Extended Sinary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
Bit Positions ---- .. 01 L LJ:-2-3---00----'1 'I ----01----, 00 01 10 11 4567 00 01 10 11 0000 NUL BLANK & - 0001 /
.- 0010 0011 0100 PF RES BYP PN 0101 HT NL LF RS .- 0110 LC BS EOB UC
0111 DEL IDL PRE EOT 1000 1001 f " 1010 ? ! : 1011 $
# 1100 +-- * % @
1101 ( ) r-.r'\ I 1110 + i - == 1111 $ <7 + I - American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) Extended to Eight Sits Bit Positions ---- ... 76
' 00 X5
4321 00 01 10 11 .------- 01-----, 00 01 10 11 0000 NULL DC
'0 0 blank 0001 SOM DC
! 1 0010 EOA DC
2 " 2 0011 EOM DC
3 -- 1--- =If -- 0100 EOT DC4 STOP % 4
0101 WRU ERR % 5 0110 RU SYNC & 6
7 1000 BK5P 50 ( 8 -- 1001 HT 51 ) 9
1010 LF 52 * : -'"-- 1011 VT 53 + i 1100 FF 54 f "'" 1101 CR 55 - == 1110 50 56 > -- 1111 51 57 / ?
Appendix J:. EBCDIC and ASCII Charts .-------11--------. 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 :> < :j: 0 a i
-- A J 1 -- _._-- r--- b k B K S 2
c I C L T 3
d m u D
M U 4 ----- - -
e n v E N
V 5
--- 0 w F 0 W 6 --- 9 P x G P X 7 -- h q y H
Q Y 8
z I R Z 9
-- -- -- .- -- I-- f---- ----- f--- --- ---- f--- --- --- ___ ___ _ 11 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11
@ P ""--- ---- ---- -- A Q a q
B R b --- ----- -----""- --- C 5 c s r---- --- -- ---
T d t - E U e u
- --- ._- F V v ----- G W 9 w
X x I Y y -- J Z i
K [ k
L '\ ----- M :::J m
N .r- ------ E5C -- 0 '4--'- 0 DEL
Appendix F 141
Appendix G. Instructions
Data Formats Fixed-Pount Numbers
Fullword Fixed-Point Number Integer o 1 31 Hallword Fixed-Point Number Integer o 1 15 Floating-Point Numbers
Short Floating-Point Number IS I Characteristic I Fraction
a 1 7 8 31
Long Floating-Point Number I __ _________ F_r_a_c_ti_o_n ________ ______ a 1 7 8 63 Decimal Numbers
Packed Decimal Number I Digit I Digit I Digit Digit I Digit I Digit I Digit I Sign I Zoned Decimal Number I Zone I Digit I Zone Digit I Zone I Digit I Sign I Digit I Logical Information Fixed-Length Logical Information
Logi cal Data
Variable-Length Logical Information
Character Character Character
Hexadecimal Representation
CODE GRAPHIC CODE CODE 0000 0 11110000 01010000 0001 1 11110001 01010001 0010 2 11110010 01010010 0011 3 11110011 01010011 0100 4 11110100 01010100 0101 5 1111 0101 01010101 0110 6 1111 0110 01010110 0111 7 1111 0111 01010111 1000 8 11111000 01011000 1001 9 1111 1001 01011001 1010 A 11000001 1010 0001 1011 B 11000010 1010 0010 1100 C 11000011 1010 0011 1101 D 11000100 1010 0100 1110 E 11000101 1010 0101 1111 F 11000110 1010 0110 Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code. tAn eight-bit representation for American Standard Code for
Information Interchange for use in eight-bit environments.
Instructions by Format Type
RR Format I Op Code R] R2
a 78 1112 15
Fixed Point
Load and Test
Load Complement
Load Positive Load Negative
Add Logical
Subtract Logical Compare Multiply
Logical Compare AND OR Exclusive OR Branching
Branch on Condition
Branch and Link
Branch on Count E
Floating Point
Load S/L Load and Test S/L Load Complement S/L Load Positive S/L Load Negative S/L Add Normalized S/L Add Un normalized S/L Subtract Normalized S/L Subtract Unnormalized S/L Compare S/L Halve S/L Multiply S/L Divide S/L Status Switching Set Program Mask
Supervisor Call Set Storage Key
Insert Storage Key
3 Z Z
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