edit statements 148
editing statements 134
empty array 36, 39
empty vector 138
encode function T 99
end of block character (X'FF')
entering system commands 13
equal to function = 68
erase information 6
erase objects from the active workspace
error message 155, 180
error message displayed 165
escape from ninput 145
escape from input 145
establish a variable to be shared
examples of function editing 151
execute function & 107
execute key 7
executes the argument 107
execution mode 134
expand arguments 82
expand function \ 82
explicit result 135
exponential function * 54
expunge 132
16, 132
factorial function I 59
fall through 138
file header 11, 17
fileID 17
file number 17
file size formula 20
file type 17
files 11
fix function OFX 129
flashing character 1
floor function 51
form a matrix into a function
format 108
format a function into a matrix
format function V 108, 146
formats the tape 19
formatted tape 11
forms an array 76
forms thickness 177
formula for file size 20
forward space key 7
function definition 134
function definition mode 134
function definition, reopen 148
function editing 147
function header 135, 139
functions, primitive 32
gamma function 59
general interchange data format 161
generalized transpose function tq 94
generate empty arrays 36
generating arrays 33
global names 139
global variable 140
grade down function 84
grade up function 4 83
greater than function > 67
greater than or equal to function 2 70
hold key 6,9
ID = (file ID) 160
identity elements 11 I
IMF 22
IN operation 160, 163
index entry
decimal 79
integer 78
index entry [I] 75
index entry assumed 75
index generator function t 88
index of function 1 88
index of specified elements 88
index origin 010 125
index values
in ascending order 83
in descending order 84
indexing 32,39
indicate the sign 46
indicator lights
process check 9
in process 9
indices 34
information printed 9
inner product operator 113
input 1
input line 6
input, processed 7
insert characters 8
insert forms, printer 175
insert statements 148
installation procedure
auxiliary tape unit 196
printer 198
5100 191
integers 172
interactive functions 144
interchange data format 161,163
interchanges the coordinates of the argument 94
21 6
internal checks 4
internal data format 161
internal machine fix (IMF) 22
interrupted function 155
(--I invert a nonsingular matrix 105
join two arrays 37,78
join two items 37, 78
keyboard 6
keys 6
keyword 7
f \\
labels 137
laminate function , 77, 79
language in operation 4
larger of two arguments 50
last valid statement number 149
latent expression 0 LX 126
latent referent 142
least squares solution 106
length of the output line 126
less than function < 69
less than or equal to function 5 71
library 11
line counter ULC 126
load a stored workspace into the active workspace
local function 131
local names 27, 139
local names, display 142
local objects 132, 172
local userdefined functions 143
local variable 139
locked functions 147
log of B
to base 'e' 55
log of B
to base A 55
logarithm function 89 55
logical data 32, 172
L32 64 R32 switch 5
I light characters 5
magnitude function I 52
mark a file unused 16
matrices 32
matrix divide function 8 105
matrix inverse function 105
maximumfunction r 50
membership function E 104
minimum function L 52
minus function - 46
mixed functions 43
models 171
monadic 43
monadic functions 135
monadic mixed functions 73
MSG = OFF 161,165
multiplier 31
N-rank array 34
name classification 0 NC 133
name list C]NL 132
names of the obiects in the active workspace
nand function A 65
natural log function @ 55
negation function - 45
negative sign 30
new coordinate, creating 79
next larger integer 50
next smaller integer 51
niladicfunctions 135
nonsingular 105
norfunction 66
not equal to function f 72
not function 64
numbers 30
decimal 172
whole 172
numeric keys 6
objects 12
opening a file 159
operators 43, 11 1
orfunction V 63
order of execution 122
other commands that control the system
OUT operation 160, 163
outer product operator o .
output 1
output line, length 126
overstruck characters 200
overview, system 11
11 6
parameters for system commands 13
parentheses ( ) 122
pendent functions 156
physical record 163
pi times B 56
pi times function 0 56
plane 75
planning information 188
plus function + 44
portable computer 1
positioning information 7
positioning the cursor 7
power function * 54
21 7
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