The + Function: Reciprocal, Divide n
Monadic (One+Argument) Form: Reciprocal +B
The reciprocal function result is the reciprocal of the argument. The argument can be
a numeric scalar, vector, or other array. The shape of the result is the same as that of
the argument:
If the argument is an array, the function is extended to each of the elements:
Dyadic (Two-Argument) Form: Divide A+B
The divide function result is the quotient when argument A is divided by argument B.
The arguments can be numeric scalars, vectors, or other arrays. The arguments must
the same shape unless one of the arguments is a scalar or a single-element array.
Arguments of the same shape have the same shape result:
If one argument is a scalar or a single-element array, the shape of the result is the
same as that of the other input argument. The single element is applied to every
element of the multielement array:
Note: There are two additional rules that apply to the divide function:
1. When zero is divided by zero, the result is 1 :
() .+ (I
2. Any value other than zero cannot be divided by zero:
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