To select an option, enter an
option number (1 through 7). If an option number
other than those displayed is entered, the options will be
displayed again. Once
the option number has been entered, additional prompting messages might be dis-
played for the selected option.
Option 1. Copy IMF Tape
The Copy IMF Tape option allows the following files to be
copied from the tape:
File 1, which contains the Copy IMF program, Load IMF program, and Display
EC Version program.
File 2, which contains the IMFs for the 5100. The IMFs can be
copied from the
file as follows:
1. Copy all IMFs that apply to APL.
Copy all IMFs for APL that apply to the 5100 being used.
Copy specific IMFs by problem number.
4. Copy specified IMFs by problem numbers that apply to the 5100 being
used. (If a problem number is specified that does not apply to the 5100
being used, it is not copied.)
Nore: The tape onto which files 1 and 2 are to be copied must be marked before
the copy operation is done. Use the )LIB command to determine what size the
files should be
The Copy IMF Tape program will issue prompting messages and wait for the user
to respond to each message.
Copying IMFs allows tape cartridges containing only the IMFs that apply to your
51 00 to be created.
Option 2. Load IMFs
The Load IMFs option allows IMFs to be
loaded into the system program and then
makes the APL language available again. IMFs can be loaded as follows:
Load all IMFs that apply to the 5100 being used.
Load specified IMFs by problem numbers that apply to the 5100 being used.
(If a problem number is specified that does not apply to the 5100 being used, it
is not loaded.)
The Load IMFs program will issue prompting messages and wait for the user to respond
to each message.
Nore: The IMFs occupy storage (space) in the active workspace and can also reduce
the performance of your 5100 significantly; therefore, IMFs should not be applied
to your 5100 if the problem does not affect your operation or if the problem can be
circumvented by an
APL statement or command. The IMFs will remain in the active
workspace until the power is turned off or RESTART is pressed.
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