Page of SA21-9213-0
Issued 15 September 1975
By TNL: SN21-0247
There are no parameters.
The )SYMBOLS Command
The )SYMBOLS command is used to change or display the number of symbols
(variable names, function names, and labels) allowed in the active workspace. The
number of symbols allowed can only be changed immediately after a )CLEAR com-
mand has been issued. In a clear workspace, the number of symbols allowed is
initially set to 125 by the 5100. When the command is used to display the number
of symbols allowed, IS the number of symbols allowed is displayed. When the com-
mand is used to change the number of symbols allowed, WAS the former number of
symbols a(1owed is displayed.
Note: When a stored workspace is loaded into the active workspace, the number
of symbols allowed in the active workspace will be the same as when the stored
workspace was written to tape.
n(optiona1) is an integer equal to or greater than 26 that specifies the number of
symbol$ allowed in the active workspace; however, the number of symbols specified
cannot exceed the active workspace size (see Storage Considerations in Chapter 9.)
Note: The number of symbols allowed is assigned in blocks of 21; therefore the
actual number allowed can be larger than the number specified.
The WARS Command
The )VARS command displays the names of all global variables in the active work-
space. The variables are displayed alphabetically. If the character parameter is
included, the names are displayed beginning with the specified character sequence.
IVARS [~haracter(s)]
character(s) (optional) is any sequence of alphabetic and numeric characters that
starts with an alphabetic character and contains no blanks. This entry can be
used to define the starting point for an alphabetic listing.
The IWSID Command
The IWSID (workspace ID) command is used to change or display the tape device/
file number and workspace ID for the file where the active workspace contents will
be written if either a )SAVE or a )CONTINUE command is used. The )WSID com-
mand is also used to change or assign the security password. When the )WSID com-
mand is issued without any parameters, device/file number workspace ID is dis-
played. When the IWSID command is issued with parameters, WAS device/file number
workspace ID is displayed.
Note: The IWSID command only affects the active workspace; it cannot be used
to change any information on tape.
IWSID [device/file number] [workspace ID] [:password]
device/file number (optional) is an integer that specifies the device/file number
where the active workspace will be stored when either the )SAVE or )CONTINUE
command is issued.
Note: If this parameter is omitted, the device/file number is cleared; a )SAVE or
)CONTINUE command will not work unless a device/file number is specified in
that )SAVE or )CONTINUE command.
workmace ID (optional) will be the new name for the active workspace. This
parameter must be entered if any other parameter is used.
:oassword(optional) is any combination of up to eight alphabetic or numeric
characters (without blanks), preceded by a colon. These characters will become
the security password for the tape file when the active workspace is written on
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