The - Function: Not
Monadic (One-Argument) Form: Not - B
The not function result is 1 when B is 0 and 0 when B is 1. The values of the argu-
ment must be 1 or 0. The argument can be a scalar, vector, or other array. The shape
of the result is the same as that of the argument:
If the argument is an array, the function is extended to each element of the array:
Dyadic (Two-Argument) Form
There is no dyadic form.
The XFunction: Nand
The xsymbol is formed by overstriking the and (A) and the not (-1 symbols.
Monadic (One-Argument) Form
There is no monadic form.
Dyadic (Two-Argument) Form: Nand AKB
The nand function result is 0 when both A and B are 1; otherwise, the result is 1.
The values of the arguments must 1 or 0. The arguments can be
scalars, vectors, or
other arrays. The arguments must be the same shape, unless one of the arguments
is a scalar or any single-element array. Arguments of the same shape have the same
shape result:
Nand Table
1. :I. 2 0 :I.
0 1.
Argument B
1. 1. :I. 0 \
Argument A
If one argument is a scalar or a single-element array, the shape of the result is the
same as that of the other argument. The single element is applied to every element
of the muldielement array:
0 'J.
[I 1.
:I. 0
:I. 0
1.2 B
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