If one argument is a scalar or a single-element array, the shape of the result is the
same as that of the other argument. The single element is applied to every element
of the multielement array:
Bt-2 3 6' :I. a 3 14. 5 0
I. 2 3
4 5 6
I. 2 0
:I. 2 0
3 I H
The * Function: Exponential, Power
Monadic (One-Argument) Form: Exponential *B
The exponential function result is the Naperian base e (2.718281 828459045) raised
to the power indicated by the argument. The argument can be a numeric scalar,
vector, or other array. The shape of the result is the same as that of the argument:
If the argument is an array, the function is extended to each element of the array:
B+*2 2 p 0 1. 2 3
0 :I.
2 3
* B
1. 2 I71.83
7 I 3t3Y :I. 20,086
Dyadic (Two-Argument) Form: Power A* B
Thepower function result is argument A raised to the power indicated by
argument B. The arguments can be
numeric scalars, vectors, or other arrays. The
arguments must be
the same shape unless one of the arguments is a scalar,or any
single-element array. Arguments of the same shape have the same shape result:
"* ,5*2
2* -3
0 I I.:?::... 2*3= = 1/8= .I25
If one argument is a scalar or a single-element array, the shape of the result is the
same as that of the other argument. The single element is applied to every element
of the multielement array:
Be2 2 6' 1. 2 3 M.
1 2
3 '+
B *N 2
1. 4
Y 1.6
The @ Function: Natural Log, Logarithm
The @symbol is formed by overstriking the o symbol and the *symbol.
Monadic (One-Argument) Form: Natural Log @B
The natural log function result is the log of the argument B to the Naperian base e
(2.718281828459045). The argument can be
a non-negative numeric scalar, vector,
or other array. The shape of the result is the same as that of the argument:
mi?, '7183
020 ,086
If the argument is an array, the function is extended to each element of the array:
Dyadic (Two-Argument) Form: Logarithm AeB
The logarirhm function result is the log of argument B to the base of argument A.
The arguments can be numeric scalars, vectors, or other arrays. The arguments must
be the same shape, unless one of the arguments is a scalar or any single-element array.
Arguments of the same shape have the same shape result:
3,1.s.l,2 I8
2 3 4@8 9 l.6
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