SEEKS ( INclude
J Exclude
'\ T\1:IT ..,.+..,. ( DIspi;y raddr raddr
raddr raddr
... ) ···l , allows an installation to establish and maintain a list of
real device addresses for DASD devices. The Monitor collects status information from the listed devices for the SEEKS class and writes the information to a class 7 monitor
record. Appendix C defines the format and content of the
class 7 record. The length of the list is limited only by the maximum number of device addresses that fit on one line of the
terminal at which the command is entered. Use the INclude option to create a list or to add entries to
the existing list. Use the EXclude option exclude non-2305 devices from the list. The VM/370 Monitor collects information for all
non-2305 devices not excluded. Use the DELete option to delete the entire list. Deleting the
list frees the storage the list occupied. Use the DISplay option to display the list. To reduce the
performance impact of collecting the status information, keep
the list as short as possible. CP retains the list from one
monitoring session to another. Therefore, periodically review
the list to ensure that it does not contain unnecessary
The following response occurs if you issue the MCNITOR DISPLAY command: CLS KEYWORD -0- PERFoRM 1 (ENABLED
7 SEEKS 8 SYSPROF CPTRACE The following response occurs for MONITOR commands, except MONITOR DISPLAY, that successfully execute: COMMAND COMPLETE IMPLEMENTED CLASSES The following MONITOR CALL classes correlate with the corresponding
classes in control register 8. Refer to the pr!D£iple§ £! for details of the Me instruction and the bits in control
register 8. Part 2. Control Program (CP) 119
Class --0-- 1
6 RESPONSE SCHEDULE USER DASTAP !ungtiQn Samples system resource usage data by accessing
system counters of interest to system
performance analysts.
Collects data on terminal I/O. Simplifies
analyses of command usaqe. user. and system response times. It can relate user activity to
system performance. This class is invalid and
no data can be collected for it unless the
system programmer changes the LOCAL COpy file
and reassembles DMKMCC. Collects data about scheduler queue
manipulation, monitors flow of work through the
system, and indicates the resource allocation
strategies of the scheduler.
Reserved. Periodically scans the chain of in the
system, and extracts user resource utilization
and status data.
Records every virtual machine privileged
instruction handled by the control program (CP) Because simulation of privileged
instructions is a major source of overhead,
this data may lead to methods of improving
If the VMA feature is active, the number of
privileged instructions that are handled by the
control program is reduced for those virtual
machines that are running with the feature
activated. Periodically samples device I/O activity counts
(SIOs), for tape and DASD devices only.
It is possible that the number of DASD and taFe
devices defined in DMKRIO may exceed 291 (the maximum number of MONITOR DASTAP records that
fit in a MONITOR buffer). The following
algorithm determines which devices are
1. If the total number of DASD and tape
devices that are online is less than or
equal to 291, all online DASD and tape
devices are monitored.
2. If the total number of online DASD devices
is less than or equal to 291, all online
DASD devices are monitored.
3. Otherwise, the first
devices are monitored.
291 online DASD
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