Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 If invalid, an addressing exception is generated. If not aligned on a doubleword boundary, a specification exception is
For a parameter list address that is nonzero and valid, the userid in
the parameter list is checked against the directory list and if not
found, control is returned to the user with a condition code of two. If
the function hexadecimal code is invalid, control is returned to the
user with a condition code of three. If both userid and function
hexadecimal code are valid, the User Accounting Block (ACCTBLOK) is
built and the userid, account number, and distribution number are moved
to the block from the parameter list or the User ftachine Block belonging
to the userid in the parameter list. Control is then passed to the user
with a condition code of zero. Part 2. Control Program (CP) 198.1
Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNt GN25-0829
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198.2 IBM VM/370 System Programmer's Guide
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