Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 first logical
header dump record r- first spool 10 116 1256 4095 file record I SPLINK I TAG 1 DKPINREC I 16 240 3840 bytes bytes bytes
first logical
dump record second logical
header (continued) dump record second spool 10 116 1272 4095 4=';1"" record. SPLINK DMP!NREC DMPKYREC1 (continued)
16 256 3824 bytes bytes bytes
second logical
dump record third logical
header (continued) dump record , third spool 10 116 1288 4095 file record I SPLINK I DMPKYREC1 1 DKPKYREC2 I I ( continued) I I 16 272 3808 bytes bytes bytes
third logical
dump record fourth logical
header (continued) dump record r- fourth spool 10 116 1304 4095 file record SPLINK DMPKYREC2 virtual machine (cont inued) storage dump
16 288 3792
bytes bytes bytes
fourth logical
dump record fifth logical
header (continued) dump record r- fifth logical 10 116 1320 4095 dump record I SPLINK I virtual machinel virtual machine I I storage dump I storage dump I 16 30Q 3776
bytes bytes bytes
Figure 1 o. 1 VMDUMP Record Format Part 1. Debugging with VK/370 64.1
Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 with eMS This section describes the debug tools that CMS provides. These tools
can be used to help you debug CMS or a problem program. In addition, a CMS user can use the CP commands to debug. Information that is often
useful in debugging is also included. The following topics are
discussed in this section: CMS debugginq commands Load maps Reading CMS dumps Control block summary CMS Debugging Commands CMS provides two commands that are useful in debugging: DEBUG and SVCTRACE. Both commands execute from the terminal.
The debug environment is whenever: The DEBUG command is issued A breakpoint is reached An external or program interrupt occurs CMS will not accept other commands while
However, while in the debug environment,
command can be used to:
in the debug environment.
subcommands of the DEBUG set breakpoints (address stops) that stop program execution at
specific locations. Display the contents of the CAW (channel address word), CSW (channel
status word), old PSW (proqram status word), or general registers at
the terminal. Change the contents of the control words (CAW, CSW, and PSi) and general registers. Dump all or part of virtual storage at the printer. Display the contents of . up to 56 bytes of virtual storage at the
terminal. store data in virtual storage locations. Allow an oriqin or base address to be specified for the program. Assign symbolic names to specific storaqe locations. Close all open files and I/O devices and update the master file
directory. Exit from the debug environment. 64_2 IBM VM/370 System programmer's Guide
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