The AUXPROC option, followed by a fullword address of an auxiliary
processing routine, allows that routine to receive control fromDMSSEE before any device I/O is performed. At the of its processing.
the auxiliary routine returns control toDMSSEB signaling whether or not I/O bas been performed. If it has not been done, DMSSEB performs the
appropriate deviceI/O. When control is received from DMSSEB, the general-purpose registers
contain the following information:GPR2 Data Control Block (DCB) address GPR3 = Base register for DMSSEB GPR8 = CMS OPSECT address GPR11 File Control Block (FCB) address GPR14 Return address in DMSSEB GPR15 Auxiliary processing routine address
all other registers =Work registers
The auxiliary processing routine must provide a save area in which to
save the general registers; this routine must also perform the save
operation.DMSSEB does not provide the address of a save area in
general register 13, as is usually the case.When control returns to DMSSEB, the general registers must be restored to their original values.
Control is returned toDMSSEB by branching to the address contained in
general register 14.GPR15 is used by the auxiliary processing routine to inform to DMSSEE of the action that has been or should be taken with the data block as
follows: Action GPR15=O No I/O performed by AUXPROC routine; DMSSEB will perform I/O. GPR1S(O GPR15>O I/O performed by AUXPROC routine and error was encountered. DMSSEB will take error action. I/O performed by AUXPROC routine with residual count in GPR15; DMSSEB returns normally. GPR15=64K I/O performed by AUXPROC routine with zero residual count. Part 3. Conversational Monitor system (CMS) 283
processing routine, allows that routine to receive control from
the auxiliary routine returns control to
appropriate device
contain the following information:
all other registers =
The auxiliary processing routine must provide a save area in which to
save the general registers; this routine must also perform the save
general register 13, as is usually the case.
Control is returned to
general register 14.