April 1,
The compilers supported by CMS/DOS expect input/output to be assigned to
the following devices: SYSIN/SYSIPT must be assigned to the device where the input source
file resides. Valid device types are reader, tape, or disk. The user should assign the following logical units to any of the
indicated device types: SYSPCH to tape, punch, disk, or IGN SYSLST to tape, printer, disk, or IGN SYSLOG to terminal SYS003-SYSOOS to tape or disk.
The maximum number of work files is six for DOS/VS COBOL Compiler (FeOBOL) and two for DOS PL/I Optimizing Compiler (DOSPLI). You must assign SYSIN/SYSIPT. If it
time, an error message is issued and the
is unassigned at compilation FeaBOL or DOSPLI command is
If SYSPCH or SYSLST are unassigned at compilation time, the FCOBOL or DOSPL! EXEC file directs output to the disk where SYSIN resides if SYSIN is assigned to a read/write CMS disk. Otherwise, output is directed to
the CMS read/write disk with the most read/yrite space. If SYSLOG is
unassigned, it is assigned to the terminal. If SYS001 through SYSnnn are unassigned, output is directed to the CMS disk with the most
read/write space.
The current I/O assignments may be displayed on the
the CMS/DOS LISTIO command. You can selectively
and/or programmer logical units as a group or as a
the EXEC option of the LISTIO command you can
containing the list of assignments.
terminal by entering
display the system
specific unit. with
create a disk file DOS/VS Supervisor and I/O Macros Supported by eMS/DOS CMS/DOS supports the DOS/VS Supervisor macros and the SAM and VSAM 1/0 macros to the extent necessary to execute the DOS/VS COBOL Compiler and
the DOS PL/I optimizing Compiler under CMS/DOS. CMS/DOS supports
Releases 31, 32, 33, and 34 of the DOS/VS Supervisor macros described in
the publication Supervisor ILQ Order No. GC33-S373. Since CMS is a single-user system executing in a virtual machine with
virtual storage, DOS/VS operations, such as multitasking, that cannot be
simulated in CMS are ignored.
The fo11owinq information deals with the type of support that CMS/DOS provides in the simulation of DOS Supervisor and Sequential Access
Method 1/0 macros. For a discussion of VSAM macros, see the section "CMS support for os and DOS VSAM Functions." Part 3. Conversational Monitor System (eMS) 289
page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 SUPERVISOR ftACROS CMS/DOS supports physical IOCS macros and control program function
macros for DOS/VS. Figure 33 lists the physical IOCS macros and
describes their support. Figure 34 lists the control program function
macros and their support. Refer to VMlJIQ Volume 1 for details of the macros'
operation. r I Macro I I CCB (command I control block) I I EXCB (execute I channel program) WAIT SECT VAL (sector
value) DTFPH IThe CCB is generated. I Support IThe REAL operand is not supported; all other I operands are supported. ISupported. Issued whenever your program requires I an I/O operation (started by an EXCP macro) to I be completed before execution of program I continues. ISupported for VSAft. See "CftS Support for OS I and DOS VSAM Functions." ILBRET3 is not supported, labels cannot be I rewritten in CMS/DOS. OPEN/OPENR I Supported. Activates a data file. I ILBRET (label I Not supported. I processing return) I I 1 FEOV (forced INot supported. 1 end of volume) I I I SEOV (system INot supported. 1 end of volume) I 1---- ICLOSE/CLOSER I Supported. Deactivates a data file. I Figure 33. Physical IOCS Macros Supported by CMS/DOS 290 IBM VM/370 System programmer's Guide
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