I I Function comments CP Command CMS Command
1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITrace 1 execution I (cont.)
Trace real
Trace 1 TRACE SIO CCll virtual andl TRACE
real CClls I Trace
all user
and suc­
all in­
End all
activity ITrace 1 events in I real 1 machine
TRACE INSTRUCTION TRACE END MONITOR START CPTRACE SVCTRACI OFF 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IStop tracingl MONITOR STOP CPTRACE I events in I I the real I 1 machine I Figure 6. Summary of VM/370 Debugging Tools (Part 5 of 5) tTM J'")"'f n ii •• / ...,J. v .,...-_ .... _- -",!,,>--.$.- .L .......... :f.a...u..wwG.a... ..;:) ,-'<01 ;:J -.. V\..l,..J-Io.L"
Aug 1, 1979
Comparison of CP and C!VIS Facilities for Debugging
If you are debugging problems while running CMS, you can choose the CP or CMS debugging tools. Refer to Figure 7 for a comparison of the CP and CMS debugging tools, Function CP CMS 1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Setting address
stops ICan set only one address stoplCan set up to 16 address I at a time. I stops at a time. I I I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1
to the
printer IThe dump is printed in hexa- IThe dump is printed in hexa- 1 decimal format with EBCDIC i decimal format. The storage 1 translation. The storage ad-I address of the first byte of
dress of the first byte of ! each line is identified at
each line is identified at I the left. The contents of
the left. The control blocksl general and floating-point
are formatted. i registers are printed at the I beginning of the dump.
DisplayingiThe display is typed in hexa-IThe display is typed in hexa­
the con-i decimal format with EBCDIC I decimal format. The CMS com­
tents of I translation. The CP command I mands QQ n01 display storage
storage I displays storage keys, I keys, floating-point regis­
and I floating-point registers andl ters, or control registers,
control ,control registers. , as the CP command does: registers, I at the I I terminal , I Storing informa­
The amount of information
stored by the CP command is
limited only by the length
of the input line. The in­
formation can be fullword
aligned when stored. CP stores data in the PSW, but
not in the CAW or CSW. How- ,The CMS command stores up to , 12 bytes of information. CMS , stores data in the general I registers but not in the I floating-point or control I registers. CMS stores data , in the PSW, CAW, and CSW. I ever, data can be stored in I the CSW or CAW by specifyingl
the hardware address in the , STORE command. CP also I stores the status of the , virtual machine in the , extended logout area. , ICP traces: I All interrupts, instruc- , tions, and branches I & SVC interrupts I I/O interrupts I Program interrupts f External interrupts , Privileged instructions I All user I/O operations I Virtual and real CCW's I All instructions , IThe CP trace is interactive. I You can stop and display I other fields. ICMS traces all SVC inter­
rupts. CMS displays the
contents of general and
floating-point registers
before and after a routine
is called. The parameter
list is recorded before a
routine is called. ________________________ ---- ________ __________________ -- ___________________ __J Figure 7. Comparison of CP and eMS Facilities for Debugging Part 1. Debugging with VM/370 37
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