When you install the compilers on the DOS/VS system, you must
link-edit all the compiler modules as relocatable phases using the following linkage editor control ACTION REL You can place the link-edited phases in
core image library. either the system or the When you later invoke the compilers from CMS/DOS, the library (system
or private) containing the compiler phases must be identified to You identify all the system libraries to CMS by coding the filemode
letter that corresponds to that DOS/VS system disk on the SET DOS eN
command when you invoke the CMS/DOS environment. You identify a private
library by coding ASSGN and DLBL commands that describe it. The DOS/VS system and private disks must be linked to your virtual machine and
accessed before you issue the commands to identify them for CMS. CMS/DOS has no effect on the update procedures for COBOL, or DOS PL/I. Normal update procedures
IBM-distributed coding changes apply. DOS/VS, DOS/VS for applying
For detailed information on how to generate VM/370 with CMS/DOS, refer to the publication gng §yide. VM/370 Directory Entries
The DOS/VS system and private libraries are accessed in read-only .ode
under CMS/DOS. If more than one CMS virtual machine is using the eMS/DOS environments you should update the VM/370 directory entries so
that the DOS/VS system residence volume and the ros/vs private libraries
are shared by all the eMS/DOS users.
The VM/370 directory entry for one of the CMS virtual machines should
contain the MDISK statements defining the DOS/VS volumes. The VM/370 directory entries for the other CMS/DOS users should contain LINK statements ..
For example, assume the DOS/VS system libraries are on cylinders 0 through 149 of a 3330 volume labeled DOSRES. And, assume the DOS/VS private libraries are on cylinders 0 through 99 of a 2314 volume labeled DOSPRI. Then, one eMS machine (for example, DOSUSER1) would have the MDISK statements in its directory entry. USER DOSUSER1 password 320K 2M G MDISK 331 3330 0 150 DOSRES R rpass MDISK 231 2314 0 100 DOSPRI R rpass
All the other CMS/DOS users would have links to these disks. For
LINK DOSUSER1 331 331 R rpass
LINK DOSUSER1 231 231 R rpass Part 3. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 307
eMS/DOS Storage Requirements CMS/DOS requires
EXEC files. This
required for CMS is: DASD space to contain its source, text, module, and DASD requirement is in addition to the space already
system residence. The DASD space required by CMS/DOS 21 cylinders on a 2314/2319 12 cylinders on a 3330 33 cylinders on a 3340/3344 6 cylinders on a 3350
A simulated DOS/VS nucleus, eight DOSLIB directories, and
simulated DOS/VS control blocks (approximately 1300 decimal bytes)
located in the CMS nucleus.
are CMS/DOS also uses the CMS user area. CMS/DOS executes the Des
compilers, linkage editor, and librarian programs in the CMS user area.
The virtual storage requirements are: 60K plus buffers for the DOS/VS COBOL compiler 44K plus buffers for the DOS PL/I optimizing compiler 20K for the CMS/DOS linkage editor 3K for the RSERV library program 2K for the PSERV library program 2K for the SSERV library program CMS also uses the user area for its own purposes when processing CMS/DOS programs. For specific information on CMS use of free storage,
refer to the section "Free storage Management."
When the DOS/VS System must be Online Most of what you do in the CMS/DOS environment requires that the DOS/VS system pack and/or the DOS/VS private libraries te available to CMS/DOS. In general, you need these DOS/VS volumes whenever: You use the DOS/VS COBOL compiler or DOS PL/I The compilers are executed from the system or
Optimizing compiler.
private core image Your source programs contain COPY, LIBRARY, or CEL
statements. These statements copy books from your system or the
private source statement library. You invoke one of the library programs: DSERV, RSERV, SSERV, PSERV, or ESERV. You execute DOS programs that use LIOCS modules. eMS/DOS fetches most
of the LIOCS routines directly from DOS/VS system or private
A DOS/VS system pack is usable when it is: Defined for your virtual machine Accessed Specified, by mode letter, on the SET DOS ON command 308 IBM 1M/370 System Programmer's Guide
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