r IProblem I Type Where Abend Occurs Distinguishing Characteristics
1------------------------------------------------------------------Wait (cont.) , Enabled CP IThe processor console light is on, but the
waitI system accepts interrupts from I/O devices.
machine wait
machine wait
DisabledRSCS wait IThe VM/370 Control program does not allow a
virtual machine to enter a disabled wait
state or certain program loops. Instead,CP issues one of the following messages: DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW DMKDSP451W CP ENTERED; INVALID PSW DMKDSP452W CP ENTERED; EXTERNAL INTERRUPT LOOP DMKDSP453W CP ENTERED; PROGRAM INTERRUPT LOOP A PSW enabled for I/O interrupts is loaded.
Nothing happens if anI/O device fails to
issue anI/O If a program is
taking longer to execute than expected,
periodically issue theCP QUERY TIME. If the processing time remains un
changed, there is probably a virtual
machine enabledwait. CMS types a blip character fer every 2
seconds of elapsed processing time. If the
program does not end and blip characters
stop typing, an enabled wait state probably The RSCS operator is notified of the wait
state byCP issuing the message DMKDSP450W CP ENTERED; DISABLED WAIT PSW If, in addition, the .essage DMTINI402T IPL DEVICE READ I/O ERROR appears on the RSCS console, an unrecover
able error has occurred while reading theRSCS nucleus fro. DASD storage. RSCS enters a disabled wait state with a code
of011 in the PSW. If a program check occurs before the
program check handler is activated,RSCS enters a disabled wait state with a code of 007 in the PSW. Figure 2. VM/370 Problem Types (Part 5 of 6) 12 IBM 9h/37G System programmer·s Guide
machine wait
machine wait
virtual machine to enter a disabled wait
state or certain program loops. Instead,
Nothing happens if an
issue an
taking longer to execute than expected,
periodically issue the
changed, there is probably a virtual
machine enabled
seconds of elapsed processing time. If the
program does not end and blip characters
stop typing, an enabled wait state probably
state by
able error has occurred while reading the
program check handler is activated,