Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829
It would have been acceptable to code the UCBCCW as: UCBCCW All
since the default is what was coded.
Forms Control Buffer
It is possible to have a forms control buffer with both a virtual and
real 3203 or 3211 printer. A virtual 3203 or 3211 file can be printed
on a real 1403; in fact, one way to provide forms control for a 1403 is
to define it as a virtual There is an FCB macro to support forms control. The format of the
FCB macro is: r- I I FCB I fcbname,space,length,(line,channel ••• ),index L---- _______________________________________________________________________ fcbname is the name of the forms control buffer. "fcbname" can be one
to four alphameric characters.
space is the number of lines/inch. Valid specifications are 6 or 8.
This operand may be omitted: the default is 6 lines/inch. When the space operand is omitted, a comma (,) must be coded. Spacing has no meaning for a virtual printer.
length is the number of print lines per page or carriage tape (1 to 180) (line,channel ••• )
shows which print line (line) prints in each channel (1 to 12).
The entries can be specified in any order.
is an index value (from 1 to 31). "index" specifies the print
position that is to be the first printed posi tion. (The "index" specification can be overridden with the LOADBUF command). VM/370 provides one real FCB image, FCB1. This FCB is in pageable
module DMKFCB. Installations may add additional FCB images to DMKFCB as
long as the size of DMKFCB does not exceed the size of a page.
There is a default virtual FCB image located in resident storage (module DMKVSP). This FCF image is used by CP for a spooled virtual 3203 or
3211 printer if the user has not previously loaded an FCB for that
virtual device.
Note: The GENERATE EXEC procedure has a facility to reassemble only the DMKFCB module. See the description of the GENERATE EXEC procedure in
the VMLJIQ agg If you wanted your printer to print: 8 lines/inch 60 lines/page print line 3 in channel 1 print line 60 in channel 9 print line 40 in channel 12 print position 10 the first print position
222 IBM VM/370 System programmer's Guide
you would code the FCB macro (with a name, SPEC) as: 'I:I"'n r-n'l'!l..... a L n. I 4. .. n .4 ""'" L n. n" .. n. J:\..O OJrJ:l\..,o,ov, \J, .,"tv, IV If you want another forms control buffer
called LONG, to be exactly
the same as SPEC (except that only 6 lines print per inch] you could
code either of the following:
FCB LONG,6,60,(3,1,40,12,60,9),10 FCB LONG,,60,(3,1,40,12,60,9),10 l: You could have your special forms control buffer (SPEC) loaded for
either a virtual or real 3203 or 3211 printer. The LOADVFCB command is
for the virtual printer and the LOADBUF command is for the real printer.
If INDEX is not specified on these commands, no indexing is done. If INDEX is specified without a value, the value coded in the FCB macro is
used and if INDEX is specified with a value, the specified value
overrides the value coded in the FCB macro. If you specify INDEX for the virtual 3211 printer and again for the
real 3211 printer, the output is indexed using the sum of the two
specifications minus 1. For example, the command LOADVFCB OOF FCB SPEC INDEX indexes the virtual print file 10 positions because 10 was specified in
the FCB macro for the SPEC forms control buffer. When this file is sent
to the real printer, the command LOADBUF OOE FCB SPEC INDEX 20 indexes the file an additional 20 positions. The value specified on the
command line (20) overrides the value the FCB macro (10). The output
will start printing in print position 29 (10.20-1=29). Because the 3203 Model 4 and printers do not have indexing capabilities, the LOADVFCB and LOADBUF commands with the INDEX option
causes a command reject error for the 3203 printer. 3203 Model 4 and 5 Printer Forms Control and Print
The Form Control Buffer for the 3203 is exactly like the 3211 Form
Control Buffer. The 3203 uses the Universal Character Set (UCS) used by
the 1403 Printer. The 3203 attaches a 64-byte associative field to the
end of the UCS to check, during print line buffer (PLB) loading, that
each character loaded into the PLB for printing also is on the print
train. The 3203 associative field is exactly like the 3211 associative
field described in Figure 25. Part 2. Program (CP) 223
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