2. If there is no EXEC file, DMSINT executes SVC 202, passing the
scanned parameter list, with the command name in the first eight
bytes. DMSITS will perfor. the search described for SVC 202 in an
effort to execute the command. If DMSITS returns to DMSINT with a return code of -3, indicating
that the search was unsuccessful, then DMSINT uses the CP DIAGNOSE facility to attempt to execute the command as a CP command.
4. If all of these searches fail, then DMSINT displays the error
message UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND. See Figure 28 for a description of this search for a command name. 260 IBM VM/370 System programmer's Guide
Page of GC20-1B07-7 As Updated April 1, 19B1 by TNL GN25-0B29
Name is now the real name from a
Synonym Table Notes:
Read line from terminal ("name ... ") No Issue SVC 202 (See the SVC 202 Subroutine)
1. If the terminal line was actually from an EXEC file, or if the
command SET IMPEX OFF has been executed, implied EXEC is not in effect.
2. A -3 return code indicates SVC 202 processing did not find
the command.
3. If the terminal line was actually from an EXEC file, or
if the command SET IMPEX OFF has been executed, implied CP is not in effect,
Expand Line by
inserting the com· mand name EXEC to: EXEC name
No Display UNKNOWN CP/CMS COMMAND Display Ready
message, with error
code if RC ---, 0 No
Pass line to CP for processing
Yes I Figure 2 B. CMS Command (and Bequest) processing (Part 1 of 2) Part 3. Conversational Monitor System (eMS) 261
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