2. The values of the RDEVSTAT (displacement X'04') and RDEVSTA2 (displacement X'45') fields describe the status of the real device:
3. 58 Value of X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X' 01' Value of RDEVSTA2 X'SO,--- X'40' X'20' X' 10' The value of
device flags. Value of RDE!11!§ X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' Value of RDEVFLAG X '02'--- X'Ol' X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' x'oS' X'04' X'02' X' 01' X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' X' 01' Comments DevIce-busy lOB scheduled on device
Device disabled (offline)
Device reserved
Device in intensive error recording mode
Device intervention required Graf-IOBLOK pending; queue requests
Dedicated device (attached to a user) Comments ActIve-device is being reset
Device is busy with the channel
Contingent connection present
Logdrop/loghold indicated
the RDEVFLAG field (displacement X'OS') These flags are device-dependent. Comments nASD----ascending order seek DASD volume preferred for pag1ng DASD volume attached to system DASD CP-owned volume DASD volume mounted but not attached
Console terminal has print suppress
Console terminal executing prepare command
Console IOBLOK pending; queue request
Console 2741 terminal code identified
Console device is enabled
Console next interrupt from a halt I/O Comments Console-- Console Spooling Spooling spooling
spooling Spooling Spooling Spooling Spooling Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special device is to be disabled 370X NCP resource in EP mode device output drained
device output terminated
device busy with accounting
force printer to single space
restart current file
backspace the current file
print/punch job separator UCS buffer verified
network control program is active
2701/2702/2703 emulation program is active 370X is in buffer slowdown mode automatic dump/load is enabled IOBLOK is pending; queue requests
emulator lines are in use by system
automatic dump/load process is active
basic terminal unit trace requested System Prcgram;er's
April 1, 1981 4. The value of the RDEVTYPC field (displacement X'06'; describes the
device type class and the value of the RDEVTYPE field (displacement describes the device type. Refer to Figure 10 for the list
of possible device type class and device type values.
5. The RDEVAIOB field (displacement X'2ij') contains the address of the
active IOBLOK. 6. The RDEVUSER field (displacement X'2S') points to the VMBLOK for a
dedicated user.
7. The RDEVATT field (displacement X'2C') contains the attached vit:'tual address. S. The RDEVIOER field (displacement X'4S') contains the address of the IOERBLOK for the last CP error.
9. Fot:' spooling unit record devices, the RDEVSPL field (displacement X'1S') points to the active RSPLCTL block. 10. Fot:' real 370X Communications Controllers, several pointer fields
are defined. The RDEVEPDV field (displacement X'1C') points to the
start of the free RDEVBLOK list for EP lines. The RDEVNICL field
(displacement X'3S') points to the network control list and the RDEVCKPT field (displacement X'3C') points to the CKPBLOK for
re-enable. Also, the RDEVMAX field (displacement X'2E') is the
hiqhest valid NCP resource name and the RDEVNCP field (displacement X'30') is the reference name of the active 3705 NCP. 11.
12. Fot:' terminal
the RDEVTFLG flags: Value of ]12E!ll1g X'SO' X'40' X'20' X'SO' X'ijO' X'20' X' 10' X'OS' X'04' X'02' devices, additional flags are defined. The value of
field (displacement X'3E') describes the additional
comments TermInal Terminal
logon process has been initiated
terminal in reset process
suppress attention signal
screen full, in "hold sta tus
screen full, more data waiting
screen in running status
read pending for screen input
last input not accepted
timer request pending CP command interrupt pending Fot:' terminals, an additional RDEVTMCD field (displacement
translation to be used:
flag is X'46') defined. The value of
describes the line
code Value of RDEVTMCD X'10'-- X'OC' X'OS' X'Oij' X'OO' comments ASCII-== S level keyboard APL correspondence keyboard APL PTTC/EBCD keyboard
Correspondence keyboard
PTTC/EBCD keyboard Part 1. Debuqging with VM/310 59
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