Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 HOw TO ADD A ']"0 CMS. COMMAND OR EXEC PROCEDURE .269 OS MACRO SIMULATION UNDER CMS. .270 o Data Management Simulation. .270 Handling Files that Reside on CMS Disks •.• 270 Handling Files that Reside on OS or DO c) Dis ks 271 Simulation 273
Access Method SUpport. .278
Reading OS Data Sets and DOS Files Usinq OS Macros. ••••• 280 D0 S/VS SUPPORT TJNDER CMS •• .284 DOS/VSE SUPPORT UNDEF CMS •• 284 DnS/VSE SUPPORT UNDER eMS Q284 Hardware Devices supported. •• .285 '1S Support of DOS/VS Functions. .285 C'1S support of DOS/VSE Functions (5.1!! 8- XX§). 285 support of DOS/VSE Functions (5748-XE1) ••••••••••••••• 285 LoqicaI-Unit Assignment ••• * = =288 Dns/vs Supervisor and I/O supported by CMS/DOS. •• 289 DOS/VSE Supervisor and I/O Macros c;upported by CMS/DOS (.274!i:.!!!i) .289 DOS/VSE su perv isor and I/O Macros c;upported by CMS/DOS (5748·XE1) Supervisoe- Macros •• Sequential Access Method
Declarative "'acros ••• Sequential Access Method .289 .290 .294
Imperative Macros ••• DOS/VS Transient Foutines. nOS/VSE TLansient Routines DOS/VSE Te-ansient Routines •• 304 .304 304 •• 304 .305 EXCP Support in CMS/DOS •• DOS/VS supervisor Control Blocks c;imulated by CMS/DOS •••••••••• 306 nOS/VSE Supervisor Control Blocks Simulated by CMS/DOS C21!!!i:.!X!il •••• 306 nOS/VSE Supervisor Control Blocks c;imulated by CMS/DOS •••• 306 1ser Considerations and Besponsibilities •••••••••••• 306 Dr) S/VS System Ge ner ation an d Up dat ing
considerations ••••••••••••• 306 DOS/VSE System Generation and (Jpdating Considerations. (.2148-.!!!H ••••••• 306 nOS/VSE System Generation and Updating ronsiderations. (5748-XE1) ••••••• 306 V'1/3 70 Die- ect ory En tries-. 307 CMS/DOS Storage Fequirements .308 the DOS/VS System Must Be Online •• 308 the DOS/VSE System Must Be Online 308 Wh en the DO S/VSF Sy stem Must Be On line = eo. 308 ryerformance. .309 Ex-ecution Considerations and
Restrictions •••••• Label processing in CMS/DOS (21!!.§:.XX§)· Tape Label Processing in CMS/DOS .309 .309 309 CMS SUPPORT FOR OS AND DOS VSAM FUNCTION S .310 Hardware devices Supported. .310 DOS/VS Supervisor l'!acros and Logical
Transients Support for VSAM •••••• 311 OOS/VSE supervisor Macros and Logical
Transients Support for VSAM .311 DOS/VSE Supervisor Macros and Logical
Transients Support for VSAM (.2748-X]l).311 Storage Requirements •••••••••• 312
Data Set Compatibility Considerations •• 312
Data Set Compatibility Considerations (5748-XX]) •••••••••••••• 312.1
Data Set Compatibility Considerations
( 5748- XEj). " ,,312 .. 1 ISAM Interface Program (lIP) •• 312 ISAM Interface Program (lIP) (57.9.8-XX.§). .312.1 ISAM Interface Program (lIP)
( 5748- Xj..1).. = .. .. .. .312.1 SAVING THE CMS SYSTEM. .313
The CMSSEG Discontiguous Saved Segment .313 CMS SEG Usage Options .313 Saved System Restrictions for CMS •••• 315 CMS BATCH FACILITY ••••••••••• 316
Resetting the CMS Batch Facility System Limits ••• " : e e _ ••••••••• 316 Writing Routines To Handle Spec ia 1
Installation Input ••••••••••• 317 BATEXIT1: Processing User-Specified Control Language. 317 BATEXIT2: Processing the Batch
Facility /JOB Control Card •••••• 317 EXEC Procedures for the Batch Facility Virtual Machine •••••••••••• 318
Data Security under the Batch Facility .318
Improved IPL Performance Using a Saved System. .318 AUXILIARY DIRECTORIES. .319
How To Add an Auxiliary Directory. .319
Generation of the Auxiliary Directory. 319
Initializing the Auxiliary Directory .320 Establishing the Proper Linkage •••• 320 An Example of Creating an Auxiliary
Directory ••••••••••••••• 321 ASSEMBLER VIRTUAL STORAGE REQUIREMENTS .324 Overlay Structures. .324 Pre structured Over lay. .324
Dynamic Load Overlay ••••••••• 326
Remote Stations. .329 .330 .330 VM/370 Spool System Interface. RSCS Command Language. STRUCTURE OF RSCS VIRTUAL STORAGE. RSCS Supervisor. ••• Supervisor Queue Extension.
Free Storage System Control Task ••••• 332 ••• 333 ••• 333
Contents xi
Paqe of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 Free Storaqe and Line Drivers.
tine Allocation Task •• Spool File Access Task FUNCTIONAL INFORMATION ••• Virtual storage Manaqement ••• Paqe Allocation ••••• Queue Element Management File ••••••• .334
.. .334 .334 .335
.335 .335 .. 335 .336 .336 Taq Slot Queues. .. Spool File Access ••••• Communication RSCS Command Processinq •• 337 Messaqe Handling •• Interruption Handling •• External Interruptions SVC Interruptions ••• I/O Tnterruptions. LOGGING I/O ACTIVITY •• The SML Loq Record The NPT Log Record •• 337 .337 .338 .338 .338 .339 .339 .340 .341 .342 xii VM/370 System Proqrammer's Guide APPENDIXES ••• APPENDIX A: SYSTE8/370 INFORMATION Control Registers. .. APPENDIX B: MULTI-LEAVING,. MULTI-LEAVI.G in V8/370. .. MULTI-LEAVING Philosophy ••••••• MULTI-LEAVING Control Specification •• Record Control Byte (RCB). .. Sub-Record Control Byte (SRCB) Strinq Control Byte (SCB)oo ••• Block Control Bvte (BCB) .....
Function Control Sequence (FCS). APPENDIX C: VM/370 MONITOR TAPE FORMAT AND CONTENT · · · .. · Header Record. · · · · · · . · Data Records · · · · · · · . · INDEX. . . . · · · · · · .343
.349 351
.353 .355
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