rr-------T------------------------------------------------------------------, I Return Meaning I Coda I 113 Synchronization error. The sink virtual machine attempted tot I respond to.a message for. which not yet the SENDI I external 1nterrupt. Tn1S cond1t10n can occur 1f the sinkl I virtual machine is anticipating certain messages but does notl I wait for the SEND external interrupt. I I 114 ICANCEL too late. A virtual machine attempted to CANCEL al I Imessage that had already been processed. The sink virtuall I Imachine had already responded with RECEIVE or REJECT (SENDI I I request) or REPLY or REJECT (SEND/RECV request). This returnl I Icode is also set if a virtual machine attempts to CANCEL al I ISENDI request for which the sink virtual machine had alreadYI 1 Ireceived the SEND external interrupt. I I 115 IPaging I/O error. A virtual machine attempted to execute al I Isubfunction which resulted in an uncorrectable paging 1/01 I lerror. This is a hardware failure. I I I I 116 I Incorrect length. A virtual machine executed a RECEIVE orl I IREPLY function and specified a RECEIVE buffer length less thanl I Ithe source virtual machine SEND data length or a REPLY datal I Ilength larger than the source virtual machine REPLY bufferl I Ilength. The source virtual machine will receive a datal I Itransfer return code identifying the condition. I t I I 1 17 IDestructive overlap. A virtual machine executed a RECEIVE orl I IREPLY function and specified a RECEIVE buffer address whichl I loverlapped the source virtual machine SEND data address or al 1 IREPLY data address that overlapped the source virtual machinel I IREPLY buffer address. This condition can occur only when al 1 Ivirtual machine is sending messages to itself (a "wrapi 1 I connection") I I I I 118 IUser not authorized for PRIORITY messages. A virtual machinel 1 lattempted to send a PRIORITY message to a virtual machine thatl I Iwas not authorized to accept PRIORITY messages (that is, hadl I Inot executed the AUTHORIZE function with the PRIORITY option). I I -t 119 IData transfer error. A virtual machine executed a request thatl I Iresulted in a data transfer error condition associated with thel I lother virtual machine. The return code is returned to the sinkl I Ivirtual machine to indicate that the transaction did notl I Icomplete successfully. I I I I 20 ICANCEL - busy. A virtual machine attempted to cancel a messagel I Ibeing processed. If this is a SENt/RECV request and thel I IRECEIVE subfunction is in process, repeated retries may cancel, I I the REPLY subfunction. I , , -.J Figure 20. DIAGNOSE Code 1'68' Return Codes (Part 3 of 3) Part 2. Control Program (CP) 16q
DATA TRANSFER ERROR CODES When a virtual machine executes a SEND, SEND!, or SEND/RECV subfunction,
the normal DIAGNOSE return code is zero, indicating that the request was
successfully initiated. However, when the actual data transfer takes
place, errors can occur. All errors occurring at data transfer time are
communicated to the source virtual machine in the RESPONSE external
interrupt message header, VMCMHDR. Figure 21 shows error codes
indicating conditions that are possible-after the SENDX, SEND, or SEND/RECV request is initiated. The error codes correspond to DIAGNOSE return code numbers.
, 1 , I Error I I I Code I Meaning I I 0 IThe normal response (no errors) , I I 1 IInvalid buffer address or length. The SEND and/or RECEIVEI I Ibuffers used for a data transfer operation are not within thel , Ivirtual machine's virtual storage. The beginning and ending' I I addresses were valid when a request was initiated but alII I I addresses are not valid. I I I I 5 IUser not available. The sink virtual machine executed thel I IUNAUTHORIZE function, reexecuted the AUTHORIZE SPECIFICI I Isubfunction, or implicitly reset his virtual machine after thel I Isource virtual machine request Was initiated. I I I 6 IProtection violation. The storage key for a virtual machine'sl I ISEND or RECEIVE buffer did not match its PSi key at the timet I Ithe transfer was initiated. (Assume the key was nonzero.) Thisl I lerror code is also set if a virtual machine attempts to RECEIVEI I I data into a CP-owned shared segment. I I I -I I 7 ISENDX data is too large. The sink virtual machine reexecutedl I IAUTHORIZE and specified an external interrupt buffer size less, I Ithan the buffer size at the time a SENDX subfunction wasl I lexecuted. The SENDX data will no longer fit in the sink, I Ivirtual machine buffer. I I I I 15 IPaging I/O error. An uncorrectable paging I/O error occurredl I Iduring the data transfer operation attempting to fetch at I ,virtual machine SEND or RECEIVE buffer. This is a hardware, I Ifailure. I I I I I 16 IIncorrect length. The sink virtual machine executed a RECEIVEI I Isubfunction with a data length (VMCPLENA) smaller than thel I loriginal SEND data length or a REPLY subfunction with a REPLYI I Idata length larger than the source virtual machine REPLY bufferl I Ilength. I , I --I I 17 IDestructive overlap. A virtual machine was communicating withl I litself in a "wrap connection" and his SEND or RECEIVE buffersl I loverlapped one another (intra-virtual machine communication). I I I I I 19 IData transfer error. A data transfer error occurred which wasl I lassociated with the other virtual machine. The transaction didl I Inot complete successfully. I I J
Figure 21. DIAGNOSE Code X'68' Data Transfer Error Codes 170 IB" VM/370 System programmer's Guide
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