Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 X'OC' Xi -iOi X, 14' X' 18'
volid for system not CP owned volid for system not mounted
too many bytes to load/save;
residual byte count is in Ry+1
paginq error during load/save DIAGNOSE Code X'78' -- MSS Communication DIAGNOSE Code X'18' is used to communicate with the VK/370 control
program about MSS volume mounts and demounts. The Ry register contains
a subfunction code. The valid subfunction codes and their meanings are: X'OO' - The virtual machine issuing the DIAGNOSE instruction 1S running OS/VS with MSS support and the DMKMSS program for KSS communication. The Rx register contains the device address of the
virtual machine's MSS communicator virtual device. X'04' - The virtual machine is ready to process an KSS request. The MSSCOM block representing the request should be placed at the virtual
machine address indicated by the Rx register. X'08' - An MSS request represented by the MSSCOM block located at the
virtual machine address indicated by the Rx register has been
accepted by the MSC. X'OC' - An MSS request represented by the MSSCOM block located at the
virtual machine address indicated by the Rx register has been
rejected by the MSC. X'10' - The DMKMSS program will no longer be available to process MSS requests. I X'14' - The DMKMSS program has created a list of all VUAs associated I with this processor (cpuid) and requests CP to build its shared and , non-shared SDG tables from that list.
If the DIAGNOSE Code X'78' is specified incorrectly, CP terminates the
user program with one of the following exceptions:
Protection Exception -No DMKSSS module exists Specification Exception - MSSCOM crosses a page DIAGNOSE Code X'18' condition codes and return codes are:
Condition code 0 Successful complet ion.
Condition code 1 Error condition .. Reo ister 15 contains
one of the following:
RC 4 Subfunction code was either less than
zero or greater than 16.
RC 8 Subfunction code was within the valid
range but not a multiple of 4.
Part 2. Control Program (CP) 205
Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 BC 12 Addressing Exception trying to bring in
the buffer page
RC 16 Issuer is not the issuer of subfunction
zero n I A 1\1 n I: ,..._ .... - V,OJl, F'\: .. .................... II_ .... ........ 1- DI_ .......... ,",VUC u .... UIIC'-'LVIY U.,UClLC 1 .. -rICl\,C DIAGNOSE Code X'84' enables a class B user to replace certain data in
any entry of the directory. The user
entry and may replace the following data: logon password virtual machine storage size maximum virtual machine storage size privilege classes dispatching priority logical editing symbols initial program load (IPL) system account number distribution word user options minidisk access mode minidisk read, write, or multiple password
with the exception of the account number, all changes to the entry
take effect the next time the USEBID associated with the entry logs onto VK/370. The account number may be updated such that the change (1)
takes effect immediately, (2) takes effect immediately but is temporary
lasting only until the USERID is logged off, or (3) takes effect the
next time the USEBID associated with the entry is logged on. DIAGNOSE Code X'84' cannot add new entries to the directory, cannot
delete existing entries, nor can it alter directory user-description
statements. It can only replace existing directory data. Data is
replaced in the form of the directory created by the directory service
program, that is, in VM/370 control blocks.
For a detailed description of the directory data, see the Rlanging Generation guide. When DIAGNOSE Code X'84' is issued, the Rx register must point to a
variable length parameter list and the Ry register must specify, in
bytes, the length of the list. The parameter list contains an area of
fixed length followed by an area of variable length. Data in the
fixed-length area identifies the directory entry to be updated, the
password of the USERID associated with the entry, and the data field to
be replaced in the directory entry. The variable-length area contains
replacement data for the directory entry. All entries in the parameter
list must contain unpacked, EBCDIC data. 206 IBM VM/370 System programmer's Guide
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