CP Loadlist Requirements
The CP loadlist EXEC contains a list of CP modules used by the VMFLOAD procedures when punching the text decks that will make up the CP system.
All modules following DMKCPE in the list are pageable CP modules. Each
4K page in this area may contain one or more modules. The module
grouping is governed by the order in which they appear in the loadlist.
An SPBt (Set Page Boundary) card, a loader control card placed in the
text file, forces the loader to start this module at the next higher 4K
boundary. The loader automatically moves a module to the next higher 4K
boundary if it cannot fit in with its predecessors on the load list. In
this case a message is placed on the load map: "SPB INSERTED" as part of the line "**EXTERNAL SYMBOL DICTIONARY FOR DMKXXX" An SPB card is required only for the first module following DftKCPE. If
more than one module is to be contained in a 4K page, only the first can be assembled with an SPB card. The second and subsequent modules for a
multiple module 4K page must not contain SPB cards.
The position of two modules in the loadlist is critical. All modules
following DMKCPE must be reenterable and must not contain any address
constants referring to anything in the pageable CP area. DftKCKP must be
the last module in the loadlist.
The following modules are distributed with SPE cards: DMKCDB DMKCKP DMKCPI DMKCPS DMKCPV DMKPGS DMKSAV DMKSEV DMKSYM DMKTAP DMKVSI lA 12-2-9 multipunch must be in column 1 of an SPB card and the
characters SPB in columns 2, 3, and 4 respectively.
214 IBM VM/370 System programmer's Guide
How to Add a Console Function to CP
Installations may aaa the1r own commands to their Va/370 system. First,
code the module to handle the command processing. Follow the CP coding
conventions outlined in an earlier section of this book.
Second, add an entry for the command in the CP DKKCFC module. DKKCFC has two entry points: one for logged-on users and another for
nonlogged-on users. If the command is for logged-on users, be sure its
entry is beyond the label COKNBEG1. TO place an entry for the command in the DKKCFC module, insert a line
with the following format:
[label] I COKND I commandname,class,min,entrypt(,NCL=1]
co •• andname is a 1-to 8-character name. class
entrypt NCL=1 is the cOllmand privilege class (up to four classes are
allowed). 0 is coded for nonlogged=on user commands or when NCL=1. is the nUllber truncation.
of characters allowed as the minimum
is the entry point of the module you write to process the
new command.
is specified if the command is to be allowed before the user
logs on. When NCL=1, the class is not checked.
After the above entry has been inserted in the DKKCFC module, reload DKKCFC as a pageable module ensuring that it does not cross a page
boundary. You must also load your own module which mayor may not be a
resident module. Part 2. Control Program (CP) 215
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