Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 This publication describes how to debug VM/370 and how to modify, extend, or
implement Control Program (CP) and Conversational Moni tor System (CMS) funct ions. This informa tion is intended
for system programmers, system analysts,
and programming personnel.
This publication consists of four parts
an d three appendixes. "Part 1. Debugging with VM/370" discusses the CP and CMS detugging tools
and procedures to follow when debugging.
This part is logically divided into three
sections. The first section, "Introduct ion
to Debugging", tells you how to identify a
problem and lists guidelines to follow to
find the cause. The second section,
"Debugging with CP", describes the CP debugging commands and utilities, debugging CP in a virtual machine, the internal trace
table and restrictions. A detailed
description of CP dump reading is also
in cluded. The third section, "Debu gging
with CMS", describes the CMS debugging
commands and utilities, load maps, and
restrictions and tells you what fields to
examine when reading a CMS dump. "Part 2. control. program (CP) " contains
an introductory and functional description
of CP as well as guidance in implementing
some CP features. "Part 3. Conversational itor Syste m " contains an introductory and
functional description of CMS including how CMS handles interrupts and SVC calls,
structures its nucleus and its storage, and
manages free storage. Information on
saving the CMS system and implementing the
Batch Facility is also included. "Part 4. Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS)" descril:es the functions
and uses of the component of VM/370 that
handles the transmission of files between VM/310 users and remote programmable and
nonprogrammable stations.
"Appendix A: Systemj370 Information"
describes the System/370 extended PSi and
extended control register usage.
"Appendix B: MULTI-LEAVING" provides a
detailed description of MUlTI-LEAVING1, a
1 Trademark of IBM Preface
technique developed for use
system and used by the RSCS VM/370. communica tion s
by the HASP componen t of "Appendix C: VM Monitor Tape Format and Con tents" describes the format and contents
of data records for classes and codes of MONITOR CALL. The followinq terms in this publica tion
refer to the indicated support devices: "2305" refers to IBM 2305 Fixed Head
Storage, Models 1 and 2. "3262" refers to the IBM 3262 Printer, Models 1 and 11. "3210" refers to a series of displa y devices, namely, the IBM 3275, 3276
(referred to as a Controller Displa y Station), 3277, and 3278 Display
Stations. A specific device type is
used only when a distinction is required
between device types. Information about display terminal usage
also applies to the IBM 3138, 3148, and
3158 Display Consoles when used in
display mode, unless otherwise noted.
Any information pertaining to the IBM 3284 or 3286 printer also pertains to
the IBM 3287, 3288, and 3289 printers,
unless otherwise noted. "3330" refers to the IBM 3330 Disk
Storage, Models 1, 2, or 11; the IBM
3333 Disk Storage and Control, ftodels 1
or 11; and the 3350 Direct Access
Storage operating in 3330/3333 Model 1
cr 3330/3333 Model 11 compatibility
mode. "3340" refers to the IB M 3340 Di sk
Storage, Models A2, Bl, and B2, and the 3344 Direct Access Storage Model B2. "3350" refers to the
Access Storage Models
native mode.
IB M 3350 A2 and
Direc t
B2 in "370X" refers to IBM 3704 and 3705 Communications Controllers. "3705" refers to the 3705 I and the 3705 II unless otherwise noten. "2741" refers to the IBM 2741 and the IBM 3767, unless otherwise specified. Preface iii
Page of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829
An expanded glossary is available in the IBl1 lirtual MachiM Facili!yL]70: §l.Qssary and Maste£ GC20-1812. Knowledge of Assembler language and
experience with programming concepts and
techniques are prerequisite to using this
publicat ion.
References to a program that produces a
standalone dump occur in several places in
this publication. One such program is the BPS Storage Print program, Program No.
36 OP- UT- 056. Information on the new IBM 3262 Printer, Models 1 and 11, is for {:lannin 9 purposes
only until the availability of the product.
PREREQUI SI TE PUBLICATIONS IB11 System/360 principles of GA22-6821. IBM Systeml.J70 principles .Q..! Cperation, GA22-7000. IBM 0 S/VS and :LHL370 Ass.&.m Pro gra mmer' s
Guide, GC33-4021. IBM COSLVS, .snd VlV370 Assembler Langyage, GC33-4010. IB11 Virtual Systems in lirtual GC20-1821. COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS Knowledge of the commands and system
functions of CP, CMS, and RSCS is
corequisite. Planning and System Guide, GC20-1801 Co!!!.!!@nd Referen ce ..!cr Users, GC20-1820 Guide, GC20-1819. Guide, GC20-1806 Terminal GC20-1810 iv IBM YM/310 system Proqrammer's Guide OLTSEP GC20-1809. Recording
This publication contains a
description of CPEREP. CPEREP is a CMS command that invokes OS/VS EREP operands
to produce statistical reports from
error recording data of hardware and software errors. OS/VS Environmental Printing (EREP) Program, GC28-0772 This publication contains a detailed
description of the CPEREP operands, and
is required in order to make use of CPER EP. Remote Spooling Communications (RSCS) ]ser's Guide, GC20-1816 Logic Problem Determination, SBOF-3802 Volume 1 Control SY20- 0886 Program 1 Conversational (C8S), SY20-0887 Volume 3 COiiiiBUii ic ation SY20-0888 Remote System (£.R> ,
If the IBM 3767 Communication Terminal
is used by the system programmer as a
virtual machine console, the Jl§l rator' s Guide, GA 18-2000 is a Iso a
corequisite publication.
If the IB8 3850 Mass storage System is
attached to the V8/370 system, the
following are corequisite pUblications: IB8 J850 Ma§ Introduction GA32-0038. storage Preinstalla tion OS/VS Library: Storage Messages, GC38-1000. IBM 3850 Svstem prInciples .Qf Operation: Theory, GA32-0035. IBM 3850 Principles GA32-0036. Storage OBeration: OS/VS Mass System (MSS) Se!:!!g§§: Reference GC35-0017.
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