Paqe of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 Check Interrupt Machine Check Interrupt svc Interrupt. . ••• External Interrupt ••• Synchronous Interrupts In An Attached Processor System •• Real I/O Interrupts •• PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES. 86. 1 86.1 87 87 87 87 88
General Information ••• virtual Machine I/O ••• paqinq Considerations. 88 89 90 Locked Pages Option •• Peserved Page Frames Option. 91
virtual=Re al 0 pt ion. vM/370 Performance Options. F' a vored Execu t ion. Priority ••••••••• User priority (2148-Xl§) User Priority 92
92 93 93 95 95 95 95
. 95 ReseL ved Paqe Fra mes Virtual=Real •• Affinity Multiple Shadow Table Support 97 . •• •• 98
Shadow Table Bypass . 98.1
virtual Machine Assist Feature. 98 (S148=!]1). 98.2
virtual Machine Assist Feature ••••• 98 rysing the Virtual Machine Assist Peature 99
Restr icted Use of the Virtual Machine Feature •••••••••••• 99 Extended Control-Program Support (ECPS). . . ••••••••••• 99
TJsinq the VM/370 Extended
Cont r01- proqram Support .101 The virtual Block Multiplexer Channel Option. . .102 Alternate Path Support •••••••• 102 qVS/System Extensions Support (5748-XE1) •••••••••••••• 102.1 Lo;-iddress Protection Facility . 10 2. 1
Common segment Facility 102.2 Special MVS Instruction Operation Handlinq Facilities 102.2 Enablinq MVS/System Extensions Support ( 5748- X E 1). . . . 102. 2 Sinqle-processor Mode 102. 2
Dynamic SCP Transition to or From
Native Mode (57!!8-1£:.1) •••••• 102.3 PERFORMANCE OBSERVATION AND ANALYSIS •• 103 Load Indicators. . .103 'I'h e I n d i cat e Com man d . 1 03 The Class G INDICATE Command. .104 The Class E INDICATE Command. .106 The Class E INDICATE FAVORED Command . •••• 109 Class E INDICATE FAVORED Command (51!!]:!£; 1). . 109 ':"he MIGRATE Command .109 and Settinq the System Variables LS1!!§:XX§). . 109 Querying and Setting the System Resource M anagem en t Va r iab Ie s (2148- !E1). 110 Querying and Setting the Paging Variable 110 Querying and Setting the Paging Variable The MONITOR Command. ••• .110 .110 The MONITOR Command (5748-XX8) .110.1 The MONITOR Command (5748-XE1) .110.1 .119 Implemented Classes •• •• VM/370 Monitor Response to Unusual Tape C ondi tions VM/370 Monitor Consideratioas •• VM/370 Monitor Data Volume and Overhead. Load Environments of VM/370. ACCOUNTING RECORDS Accounting Records for Virtual Machine
Resource Usage. Accounting Records for
Devices and Temporary
Accounting Records for
Devices and Temporary
Disk Space. Dedicated
Disk Space .121 122
( .214 8- X X 1 2 7
Accounting Records for Dedicated
Devices and Temporary Disk Space ( 57 !is-XE1). Accounting Records for LOGON, AUTOLOG, .127
and LINK Journaling Accounting Records Created Operational Notes ••••• User Accounting Options •• •••••• 128
by the User .129 •• 130 130 GENERATING SAVED SYSTEMS. .132
The NAMESYS Macro For Saved Systems ••• 132 Using the SAVESYS Command •••••••• 134 Shared Segments ••••••••••••• 135 Special Considerations for Shared Segments. .135
Discontiguous Saved Segments •••••• 135 User Reguirements ••••••••••• 136
The NAM ESYS Macro for D iscont iquous Saved Segments. .137
Loading and Savinq Discontiquous Shared Segments ••••••••••• 138
How The Interface Works. .139 Shared Segment Protection. .140 Virtual Machine Operation. .142
THE VIRTUAL MACHINE COMMUNICATION FACILITY •••••••••••••••• 143 Using the Virt ual Machine C ommu nica ti on
Facility. .145 VMCF Applications. .145
security and Data Integrity. .146 Performance Considerations. .147
General Considerations. .148 VMCF Protocol. .148
The SEN D Protocol. .148
The SENDjRECV Protocol. .150 The SENDX Protocol .151
The IDENTIFY Proto col. 152
Descriptions of VMCF Subfunctions. .153
The Control Subfunctions .153
The Data Transfer Functions.. .155
PagE of GC20-1807-7 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0829 Invoking VMCF Subfunctions .....
Diagnose Code X'68' ••••••• The VMCPARM Parameter List External Interrupt Code X'4001'. VMCF User Doubleword DIAGNOSE X'68' Feturn COdES. Data Transfer Error Codes •• S PECI AL MESSAGE FACILITY VM/370 USE OF THE IBM 3850 MSS VM/370 Access to the MASS Stora9E Control .. .. .. Asynchronous MSS Mount Processing.
VM/370 Processinq of MSS Cylinder Faults •••••••••••••• Backup and Recovery of MSS Volumes Logical Device Support Facility
( 57 4 8- . . . . . . . . . .
Logical Device Support Facility t21! 8- 1111).. .. "'IMERS IN A VIRTUAL MACHINE •• Interval Timer " .. Processor Timer •• T OD Clock. Clock Comparator Timer Pseudo Timer Start I/O Pseudo Timer DIAGNOSE. CP In Attached Processor Mode. PS A. I/O Handling
Signaling. Locking •••• Affinity •••••• DIAGNOSE INSTRUCTION IN A VIRTUAl MACHINE DIAGNOSE Code X'OO' -- Store Extended-Ident ification Code. DIAG NOSE Code X' 04' -- Ex·amine Beal .159
.159 .1-6-q .166 4 ... .., 10' 170
.173 173 174
.176 177 177 177
.. 178
.179 180
.180 181
Storage 184
DIAGNOSE Code X' 08' -- Virtual Console Function. .184 DIAGNOSE Code X'08' -- Virtual Console Function .184.1 DIAGNOSE Code X'08' -- Virtual Console Function (5746-XE.1). .184.1 DIAG NOSE Code X' Oct Pseudo Timer. 186 DIAGNOSE Code X'10' -- Release Pages •• 186 DIAGNOSE Code X'14' -- Input spool File
Manipulation. .187
Subcode 1'0000' .187
Subcode X'0004' .188 Subcode X·0008' .188 Subcode X'OOOC' .188
Subcode X' 001 0' .188
Subcode X'001Q' .189
Subcode X'0018' .. .. .189
Subcode X' 001 C' .. 189 Subcode x'0020-. .189 Subcode X'OFFF' .1-90 bIAGNOSE Code X'18' -- Standard DASD I/O .190 DIAGNOSE Code X'1C' -- Clear Error
Recording Cylinders. .191 DIAGNOSE Code X'20' -- General I/O ••• 191 DIAGNOSE Code X
-- Device Type and
Features •••••••••••••••• 192 DIAGNOSE-Code X'28 ,-- Channel Program Modification. .194 DIAGNOSE Code X'2C' -- Return DASD Start of LOGREC .195 DIAGNOSE Code X'30' -- Read One Page of LOGREC Data •••••••••••••• 196 DIAGNOSE Code X'34' -- Read System Dump Spool File ••••••••••••••• 196 DIAGNOSE Code X'38' -- Read System
Symbol Table •••••••••••••• 191 DIAGNOSE Code X'3C' -- VM/310 Directory. 191 DIAGNOSE Code X'40' -- Clean-Up After
virtual IPL by Device ••• 197 DIAGNOSE Code X'40' -- Clean-Up After Virtual IPL by Device (5748-XE1i. 197 DIAGNOSE Code X'48' -- Issue SVC 16
From a Second Level VM/370 Virtual Machine. .197 DIAGNOSE Code X'4C' -- Generate
Accounting Cards for the Virtual User. .. .197 DIAGNOSE Code X'4C' -- Generate
Accounting Records for the Virtual User (5748-!X8) •••••••••••• 198 DIAGNOSE Code X'4C' -- Generate
Accounting Records for the Virtual User (5748-XE1) ............. 198 DIAGNOSE Code X'50' -- Save the 370X Control program Image ••••••••• 199 DIAGNOSE Code X'54' -- Control The
Function of the PA2 Function Key •••• 199 DIAGNOSE Code X'58' -- 3270 Virtual Console Interface .. .199
Displaying Data (5748-XX8) •••••• 200
Displaying Data (5 748- XE 1) .200
Full Screen Mode {5748-XX8} ••••• 200.1
Full Screen Mode ••••• 200.1 DIAGNOSE Code X'5C' -- Error Message
Editing. ••••• 200 DIAGNOSE Code X'5C' -- Error Message Ed it i ng ( 57 .!i 8- X 20 0 4 DIAGNOSE Code X'5C' -- Error Message
Editing (5748-XE.1). " .. 200 .. 4 DIAGNOSE Code X' 60' --Determining the Virtual Machine Storage Size •••••• 201 DIAGNOSE Code X'64' -- Finding,
Loading, and purging a Named Segment •• 201 DIAGNOSE Code X'68' -- Virtual Machine Ccmmunication Facility (VMCF) ••••• 203 DIAGNOSE Code X'6C' -- Special Diagnose
for Shadow Table Maintenance (5748-XE.1) ••••••••••••••• 204 DIAGNOSE Code X'70' -- Activating the
Time-of-Day (TOD) Clock Accounting
Interface .204 DIAGNOSE Code X'74' -- Saving or
Loading a 3800 Named System •••••• 204 DIAGNOSE Code X'74' -- Saving or
Loading a Named System (5748-XE1) •• 204.1 DIAGNOSE -Code X' 7S' -- ass Communication .205 DIAGNOSE Code X'7C' -- Logical
Device Support Facility ••••••••••••••• 206 Conte nts i x I i I I
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