Operand i IDEVADDR=SYSxxx I IOAREA1=xxxxxxxx ASOCFLE=xxxxxxxx BLKSIZE=nnn CONTROL=YES CTLCHR=xxx DEVICE=nnnn ERROPT=xxxxxxxx FUNC=xxxx IOAREA2=xxxxxxxx IOREG= (nn) MODNAME=xxxxxxxx ! IPRINTOV=YES IStatusl Description
* ISymbolic unit for the printer used for this I file. IName for the first output area. INot supported. ILength of one output area, in bytes. If I omitted, 121 is default. ICNTRL macro used for this file. Omit CTLCHR I for this file. I (YES or ASA). Data records have control I character. YES for S/370 character set; I AS! for American National Standards I Institute character set. Omit CONTROL for I this file. 1(1403, 1443, 3203, or 3211). If omitted,
! 1403 is default. IRETRY or the name of your error routine for I 3211. Not allowed for other devices. I IGNORE is not supported. INot supported. IIf two output areas are used, name of second I area. IRegister number; if two output areas used I and GET or PUT does not specify a work I area. Omit WORK!. IName of PRMOD logic module for this DTF. I If omitted, IOCS generates standard name. IPRTOV macro used for this file. IRDONLY=YES I I I I RECFORM=xxxxxx
RECSIZE= (nn) SEPASMB=YES STLIST=YES UCS=xxx IGenerate a read-only module. Requires a I module save area for each routine using I the module. I (FIXUNB, VARUNE, or UNDEF). If omitted, I FIXUNB is default. IRegister number if RECFORM=UNDEF. IDTFPR is to be assembled separately. IUse 1403 selective tape listing feature. I (ON) process data checks. (OFF) ignores data I ,checks. Only for printers with the UCS I I feature or 3203 or 3211. If omitted, OFF I I is default. , ----------------------------------------------------------------1 I IWORKA=YES IPUT specifies work area. Omit IOREG. I L- ____ . __________________ . ________________________________________________ Figure 39. CMS/DOS Support of DTFPR Macro Part 3. Conversational Monitor system (CMS) 301
CMS/DOS does not support the FEOVD, HOLD, and LABADDR operands of the DTFSD macro. Figure 40 describes the operands of the DTFSD macro and
their support under CMS/DOS. An asterisk (*) in the status column
indicates that CMS/DOS support differs from DOS/VS support. rj-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, I Operand IStatus! 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBLKSIZE=nnnn ILength of one I/O area, in bytes.
1--------------------------------------------------------------------- I EOFADDR=xxxxxxxx
* DEVADDR=SYSnnn * DEVICE=nnnn * ERREXT=YES ERROPT=xxxxxxxx IName of your end-of-file routine. IName of first I/O area. ICNTRL macro used for this file. IIf DELETFL=NO is specified, the work file I is not erased. Otherwise, when the work 1 file is closed, CMS/EOS erases it. ISymbolic unit. This operand is optional. If 1 DEVADDR is not specified, all I/O requests 1 are directed to the logical unit identified I on the corresponding CMS/DOS DLBL command. 1 IIf a valid logical unit is specified with
t the DEVADDR operand of the DTF and a 1 different, but also valid, logical unit is I specified on the DLBL command, the unit I spectfied on the DLBL command overrides the I unit specified in the DTF. However, CMS/DOS 1 issues an error message if a valid logical I unit is specified in the DTF and no logical 1 unit is specified on the corresponding DLBL I command.
(2314, 3330, 3330-11, 3340, 3350). If omitted, 2311 is the default used at
compilation time. At execution time, when
when the CMS/DOS $$BOPEN routine is
opening a DTFSD work file, the device code
in the DTF corresponds to the device code
of the device to which the logical unit is
All DTFSD output files and DTFSD input
files that reside on CMS disks are handled
in the same manner. This device code cannot
be overridden by the compilers. You must specify the EEVICE=nnnn operand
correctly for input files residing on DOS disks; otherwise, CMS/DOS issues an error. IAdditional error facilities and ERET are I desired. Specify ERROPT. I (IGNORE, SKIP, or name of error routine).
Prevents job termination on error records.
Do not use SKIP for output files.
Figure 40. CMS/DOS Support of DTFSD Macro (Part 1 of 3) 302 IBM VM/370 System Programmer's Guide
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