r-----.--------------------------------------------------------------------, Operand I IFEOVD=YES HOLD=YES IOAREA2=xxxxxxxx IOREG= (nn)
t Not -supported. jNot supported. HOLD=YES is specified for DTFSD update or work files to provide a
track hold capability. However, the CMS/DOS open routine sets the track hold bit off
and bypasses track hold processing. IIf two I/O areas are used, name of second I area. IRegister number. Use only if GET or PUT I does not specify work area or if two I/O I areas are used. Omit wORKA. INot supported. IName of SDMODxx logic module for this DTF. I If omitted, IOCS generates standard name. I (YES or POINTRW). YES if NOTE,POINTR,POINTW, I POINTS used. POINTRW if only NOTE,POINTR, I POINTW used.
jGenerates a read-only module. Requires a I module save area for each routine using I the module. (FIXUNB, FIXBLK, VARUNE, SPNUNB, SPNBLK, VARBLK, or UNDEF). If omitted, FIXUNB is
For work files use FIXUNB or UNDEF. Although
work files contain fixed-length unblocked
records, the CMS file system handles work
files as variable-length record files. If
you specify FIXBLK or FIXUNE when creating
a eMS file on a CMS disk, CMS writes the
file in variable-length format. The
LISTFILE command would show the file as V format. IIf RECFORM=FIXBLK, number of characters in I record. If RECFORM=SPNUNB. SPNBLK. or I UNDEF, register number. Not required for lather records. IDTFSD is to be assembled separately. IRECFORM=FIXBLK or TRUNC macro used for this I file.
i (INPUI, OUTPUT, or WORK). I is assumed.
If omitted, Tl.TnTTT IInput file or work file is to be updated. Figure 40. CMS/DOS Support of DTFSD Macro (Part 2 of 3) Part 3. Conversational Monitor System (CMS) 303
r I I Operand I Sta tus I Description I I -------------------------------------------------------1 IVARBLD=(nn) IRegister number if RECFORM=VARBLK and I I I records are built in the output area. , I I Omi t if WORKA=YES. I I IVERIFY=YES ICheck disk records after they are written. I I , IwLRERR=xxxxxxxx !Name of your wrong-length record routine. I 1 , IWORKA=YES IGET or PUT specifies work area. Omit IOREG.I I I Required for RECFORM=SPNUNB or SPNBLK. I Figure 40. CMS/DOS support of DTFSD Macro (Part 3 of 3) SEQUENTIAL ACCESS METHOD -- IMPERATIVE MACROS CMS/DOS supports the following imperative macros: GET, PUT, PUTR, RELSE, lRUNC, CNTRL, ERET, and PRTOV. No code is generated for the CHNG macro. fQ! gi§f: READ, WRIlE, CHECK, NOTE, POINTE, POINTW, and POINTS. CLOSE and CLOSER CMS/DOS supports workfiles containing fixed-length unblocked records
and undefined records. Disk work files are supported as single volume,
single pack files. Normal extents and split extents are both supported. DOS/VS Transient Routines CMS/DOS uses the DOS/VS CMS/DOS accesses the LIOCS private library. For this
before you can use CMS/DOS. LIOCS transient routines without change.
routines directly from a DOS/VS system cr
reason, you must order and install DOS/VS However, CMS/DOS simulates the DOS/VS transients that are fetched by
macro expansion or by the LIOCS modules. These simulation routines
contain enough of the transient's function to support the DOS/VS COBeL compiler and DOS PL/I optimizing compiler. These routines that simulate
the DOS/VS transients execute in the CMS/DOS discontiguous shared
The following DOS/VS transients are simulated by CMS/DOS. Transient $$BOPEN-- Fetched by the DOS/VS OPEN LIoes modules. $$BOPEN dependent upon the device
operations. At entry to
list of fullword addresses
macro expansion or by the DOS/VS performs DTF initialization,
type, to ready the file for I/O $$BOPEN, register 0 points to a
containing a pointer to the DTFs. 30U VM/370 System Prograwmer's Suide
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