October 1, 1979 INTRODUCTION
a special Keyword string is properly set (see SKJUMP). The
presence of this type of Hypertext allows the user to travel
from one end of the jump to the other via JUMP, even when the
Keywords are not set.
Areas _____: An Area is a segment of the Text or Work Space (see
File Structure _______________ below) through which linear travel commands
may not pass. Areas are useful for keeping text and
Hypertext that is related to the main corpus, associated with
will not a file, but out of the main stream where it ________ be
FULLPRINTed (unless there is a Jump or Splice into the Area).
See NAREA and SPLAREA for more information.
Online Display _________________
FRESS has an extensive interactive online display program which
allows the user to vary the way a file appears online. Variable
Viewing Specifications determine which part of the file is to
appear online, and in what form (see SVIEW). The text can be
right justified and the various types of Hypertext can be
optionally viewed. Several formatting codes, such as those for a
new paragraph, indentation, new line, etc., can take effect at the
terminal. This helps to give a better idea of how the document
will appear when it is fully formatted. In addition, portions of
text (Blocks with Display Keywords) can be made to selectively
"disappear" so that the user does not see them when the file is
edited or printed.
Key Delimiter ________________
Most commands take one or more parameters and many have
parameters which themselves have several options. The character
Key separating the command from the first parameter is called the ___
delimiter _________; it must also be used to separate each parameter.
Options within a parameter must use a delimiter other than the Key
delimiter. For clarity, a blank may separate the command and the
Key delimiter. It is also possible to use a blank as the Key
delimiter (but then the blank fill character, "_", must be used to
indicate blanks within parameters -- see Section 3).
Deferrals ____________
Editing commands do not restrict the location or the scope of
the edit to the Editing Buffer (see <lp> and <scope> in Section
deferred 5.7). Either can be ________ to another place in the same or
FRESS Resource Manualnual Release 9.1 Section 1.3 -- 7
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