.GET ____
Description ___________: INSERTs a FRESS file into the current FRESS
Prompts _______:
Where should the file be inserted?
Specify a <lp>.
"Enter name of file to be inserted?"
Enter the desired filename.
.GF <file> [<n>] ________________
Description ___________: <file> becomes the current file, the "FN"
Viewspec is turned on (Decimal Block numbers will also
be typed at the end of each Decimal Block), the string
"!.eom." is searched for, and <n> lines (defaults to 10)
are PRINTed.
.HELP _____
Description ___________: see FRSCOMM.
.IDB <dec#> <label> <text> __________________________
Description ___________: A new Decimal Block is INSERTed after Decimal
Block numbered <dec#>.
.IDBT <lit> <label> <text> __________________________
Description ___________: <lit> is LOCATEd, and then a new Decimal Block
is INSERTed after it.
.L <lit> ________
Description ___________: <lit> is LOCATEd, a SCROLL -1 is done, and then
.MOB <moved-block> <move-to-block> __________________________________
Description ___________: The Decimal Block numbered <move-block#> is
moved so it directly follows <move-to-block#>.
.MOBT <block#> <lp> ___________________
Description ___________: The Decimal Block <block#> is moved so that it
follows <lp>.
.P [<scroll#>] [print#>] ________________________
Description ___________: <scroll#> line(s) are SCROLLed (defaults to 10)
and then <print#> lines are PRINTed (defaults to 10).
If only one parameter is specified, it is taken as
<scroll#>. If <scroll#> is negative, it must be
preceded by a non-blank (otherwise the "-" is taken as
the delimiter).
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESSSection 7.3.1 -- 259
.GET ____
Description ___________: INSERTs a FRESS file into the current FRESS
Prompts _______:
Where should the file be inserted?
Specify a <lp>.
"Enter name of file to be inserted?"
Enter the desired filename.
.GF <file> [<n>] ________________
Description ___________: <file> becomes the current file, the "FN"
Viewspec is turned on (Decimal Block numbers will also
be typed at the end of each Decimal Block), the string
"!.eom." is searched for, and <n> lines (defaults to 10)
are PRINTed.
.HELP _____
Description ___________: see FRSCOMM.
.IDB <dec#> <label> <text> __________________________
Description ___________: A new Decimal Block is INSERTed after Decimal
Block numbered <dec#>.
.IDBT <lit> <label> <text> __________________________
Description ___________: <lit> is LOCATEd, and then a new Decimal Block
is INSERTed after it.
.L <lit> ________
Description ___________: <lit> is LOCATEd, a SCROLL -1 is done, and then
.MOB <moved-block> <move-to-block> __________________________________
Description ___________: The Decimal Block numbered <move-block#> is
moved so it directly follows <move-to-block#>.
.MOBT <block#> <lp> ___________________
Description ___________: The Decimal Block <block#> is moved so that it
follows <lp>.
.P [<scroll#>] [print#>] ________________________
Description ___________: <scroll#> line(s) are SCROLLed (defaults to 10)
and then <print#> lines are PRINTed (defaults to 10).
If only one parameter is specified, it is taken as
<scroll#>. If <scroll#> is negative, it must be
preceded by a non-blank (otherwise the "-" is taken as
the delimiter).
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESSSection 7.3.1 -- 259