start/end REVISION bars


!-R- start/end revision bars __________________________________
This code will cause a revision bar ("") to be inserted
immediately to the left of the left margin (on every line), until
the next !-R- code is encountered.


NOTES _____
To remove the revision bars, all !-R- codes must be deleted.
Revision bars can be entered as format macros (see Section
4.5), which can then be removed merely by redefining the macro
as null.
EXAMPLES ________
!-r-revised text!-r- ____________________
revised text
This paragraph is surrounded by revision bars. A common
application for this code is to denote those sections of a
document that have changed between drafts.
In format macros ________________:
!.r1=!-r-. __________
This macro might be used to define revisions from the first
!.r1=. ______
This macro would nullify the revisions indicated by !.r1. in
the above example.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS ReSection 4.4 -- 85
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