• MJ Make Jump _________________
MJUMP creates a conditional Jump (Jump/Pmuj pair) in the file
which may optionally be taken to skip a portion of text.
MJump <lp1> <lp2> <text1>° <text2>° <keys>°
<dkeys1>° <dkeys2>° <vs1>° <vs2>°
<lp1>......the place after which the Jump is to go
<lp2>......the place after which the Pmuj is to go
<text1>....the Explainer on the Jump
<text2>....the Explainer on the Pmuj
<keys>.....the Keyword string for the Jump and Pmuj
<dkeys1>...the Display Keywords on the Jump
<dkeys2>...the Display Keywords on the Pmuj
<vs1>......the Viewspec on the Jump
<vs2>......the Viewspec on the Pmuj
NOTES _____
• If the Jump's (Pmuj's) Keyword string satisfies the Keyword
Jump Request String set by SKJUMP, the Jump will be taken -- as
though it is a Splice.
• Explainers are literal, editable text strings which appear
within the file, as comments for the reader to explain where
the Jump (Pmuj) goes to.
• The Jump's Explainer, Viewspec strings, and Display Keywords
are independent of those on the Pmuj.
• The Keyword string is the same for both the Jump and the Pmuj;
editing one will change the other.
• The Viewspec strings are the same as those used with SVIEW.
• The new Viewspecs take effect at the opposite end of the link.
The old Viewspecs are saved by the system and can be invoked
either by SCROLLing backwards over the link, or by RETURNing.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 185
• MJ Make Jump _________________
MJUMP creates a conditional Jump (Jump/Pmuj pair) in the file
which may optionally be taken to skip a portion of text.
MJump <lp1> <lp2> <text1>° <text2>° <keys>°
<dkeys1>° <dkeys2>° <vs1>° <vs2>°
<lp1>......the place after which the Jump is to go
<lp2>......the place after which the Pmuj is to go
<text1>....the Explainer on the Jump
<text2>....the Explainer on the Pmuj
<keys>.....the Keyword string for the Jump and Pmuj
<dkeys1>...the Display Keywords on the Jump
<dkeys2>...the Display Keywords on the Pmuj
<vs1>......the Viewspec on the Jump
<vs2>......the Viewspec on the Pmuj
NOTES _____
• If the Jump's (Pmuj's) Keyword string satisfies the Keyword
Jump Request String set by SKJUMP, the Jump will be taken -- as
though it is a Splice.
• Explainers are literal, editable text strings which appear
within the file, as comments for the reader to explain where
the Jump (Pmuj) goes to.
• The Jump's Explainer, Viewspec strings, and Display Keywords
are independent of those on the Pmuj.
• The Keyword string is the same for both the Jump and the Pmuj;
editing one will change the other.
• The Viewspec strings are the same as those used with SVIEW.
• The new Viewspecs take effect at the opposite end of the link.
The old Viewspecs are saved by the system and can be invoked
either by SCROLLing backwards over the link, or by RETURNing.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 185