October 1, 1979 USING FRESS
2 USING FRESS _____________
FRESS is available to the general public on any standard
terminal; it may also be used in a "multi-window" format on an
Imlac PDS-1D mini-computer (not currently available to the general
A user must have a virtual machine of at least 512k to use
FRESS; this can be specified either at login-time or later in the
b terminal session. If "/512K" is appended to an account number
when logging-in (e.g., "L <account> 512K"), the user will
initially invoke a 512k machine. The CMS command "DEFINE STORAGE
512K" can be used to specify the proper machine size if the user
is already logged-on to a smaller machine. The system will type
"STORAGE=00512K," "CP ENTERED..." The user should respond with
"IPL CMS" to return to CMS. The procedure described below can
then be used to invoke FRESS.
2.1 INVOKING FRESS __________________
There are two general types of terminals used: those with
upper/lower case characters and those with only upper-case
characters. To accommodate the many differences among terminals,
several different FRESS versions are available. FRESS is invoked
from CMS by typing:

FRESS [NOS] <version> [<maclib>...]
D _

NOS.........(NO SPOOL) If specified, the spool class of the
virtual printer remains unchanged, otherwise it is set
to CLASS F (upper and lower case print chain).
<version>...The FRESS version to be invoked (see Section 2.2).
<maclib>....The command macro libraries (up to nine, separated by
blanks) to be included in the FRESS session (see
Section 7).
FRESS Resource Manualnual Release 9.1 Section 2.1 -- 11
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