• PF Pack File _________________
PFILE recreates the current file so that each internal record
is filled to the specified percentage.
PFile <n>°
100 ___
<n>...the percentage each internal record is to be filled
NOTES _____
• PFILE is used primarily to make a file as small as possible
when it is to be stored without editing for a long period of
• The new file created after this command is put on the A-disk;
if the current file resides there, it is replaced.
• PFILE issues an implicit FFILE when it is finished.
• FRESS internal records are usually balanced at approximately
66% full.
• If the file to be packed is large, the user should consider
creating a large temporary disk. One way to do this is to type
"CMS TSEG E" The system responds with the message "E
(005)...R/W." The user should type "CMS QCOPY <filename> FRESS
A = = E." The PFILE command can then be issued without fear of
running out of disk storage.
• It is not advantageous to pack a file to 100% capacity if
editing operations are still to be performed since any increase
in amount of text at any point in the file will be likely to
decrease editing efficiency.
• One might want to pack a file to perhaps 85% capacity if only
minor typographical corrections were to be made subsequently.
• PFILE may be used to expand the file, by specifying a
percentage smaller than the current packing level. This is
useful for making major corrections more efficient.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 201
• PF Pack File _________________
PFILE recreates the current file so that each internal record
is filled to the specified percentage.
PFile <n>°
100 ___
<n>...the percentage each internal record is to be filled
NOTES _____
• PFILE is used primarily to make a file as small as possible
when it is to be stored without editing for a long period of
• The new file created after this command is put on the A-disk;
if the current file resides there, it is replaced.
• PFILE issues an implicit FFILE when it is finished.
• FRESS internal records are usually balanced at approximately
66% full.
• If the file to be packed is large, the user should consider
creating a large temporary disk. One way to do this is to type
"CMS TSEG E" The system responds with the message "E
(005)...R/W." The user should type "CMS QCOPY <filename> FRESS
A = = E." The PFILE command can then be issued without fear of
running out of disk storage.
• It is not advantageous to pack a file to 100% capacity if
editing operations are still to be performed since any increase
in amount of text at any point in the file will be likely to
decrease editing efficiency.
• One might want to pack a file to perhaps 85% capacity if only
minor typographical corrections were to be made subsequently.
• PFILE may be used to expand the file, by specifying a
percentage smaller than the current packing level. This is
useful for making major corrections more efficient.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 201