FMACREP <maclib> <cmac1> [<cmac2>...]

replaced The specified macros in <maclib> will be ________ by their
current MEMO file representation. The MEMO files will then
be erased.

FMACSPLT <maclib> <cmac1> [<cmac2>...]

The specified macros are recreated as MEMO files but are not
deleted from the macro library. The MEMO files then be
edited. Printing Functions for <maclib> ________________________________________

FMACLIST <maclib>

names The _____ of the macros contained in <maclib> will be
printed at the user's terminal.

FMACPRNT <maclib>

contents The ________ of the specified macro library is formatted
into a file called "<maclib> MEMO A". Individual macros are
separated by a line of asterisks and each macro is preceded
by its name. This function is expensive so it should be
used judiciously. Because of this, the user is given the
Note option to retain the disk file. ____: MEMO files on the
A-disk that have the same names as members of the macro
library will be erased. The function requires no more disk
space than twice that occupied by the <maclib>.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 7.2 -- 257
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