!+TOFC+ define Table of Contents ___________________________________
This code determines which headings will appear in the Table of
Contents, and how much they will be indented.
<entry> _______: <head>[=<indent>]
<head>.....the heading level to appear in the Table of Contents
<indent>...the number of spaces the entry is to be indented in the
Table of Contents (this defaults to one less than the
must not exceed 13 heading level; it __________________)
NOTES _____
• All headings will appear in the Table of Contents unless a
only those heading !+TOFC+ code is present, in which case __________________
levels specified _________________ will appear. Thus, to suppress a Table of
Contents, specify "!+TOFC<n>," such that <n> is a heading level
that does not appear in the file.
• The !+TOFC+ code takes effect only for headings which appear
after _____ it in the file.
• The line spacing in effect at the end of the document is the
same for the Table of Contents. Thus, for a double-spaced
table, include a !+SPACE2+ code at the bottom of the file.
• The Table of Contents is numbered with roman numeral(s),
starting with "-i-". It is possible to start numbering with a
different roman numeral, by issuing the command "CMS TOFC <n>",
just prior to FULLPRINT. <n> is a number between 1 and 9
specifying roman numeral at which numbering is to start (e.g.,
"CM TOFC 6" would cause the first page to be numbered "-vi-").
Any <n> specified remains in effect for the entire FRESS
session (unless the "CMS TOFC <n>" command is re-issued.
66 -- Section 4. Release 9.1 FRESS Resource Manual
!+TOFC+ define Table of Contents ___________________________________
This code determines which headings will appear in the Table of
Contents, and how much they will be indented.
<entry> _______: <head>[=<indent>]
<head>.....the heading level to appear in the Table of Contents
<indent>...the number of spaces the entry is to be indented in the
Table of Contents (this defaults to one less than the
must not exceed 13 heading level; it __________________)
NOTES _____
• All headings will appear in the Table of Contents unless a
only those heading !+TOFC+ code is present, in which case __________________
levels specified _________________ will appear. Thus, to suppress a Table of
Contents, specify "!+TOFC<n>," such that <n> is a heading level
that does not appear in the file.
• The !+TOFC+ code takes effect only for headings which appear
after _____ it in the file.
• The line spacing in effect at the end of the document is the
same for the Table of Contents. Thus, for a double-spaced
table, include a !+SPACE2+ code at the bottom of the file.
• The Table of Contents is numbered with roman numeral(s),
starting with "-i-". It is possible to start numbering with a
different roman numeral, by issuing the command "CMS TOFC <n>",
just prior to FULLPRINT. <n> is a number between 1 and 9
specifying roman numeral at which numbering is to start (e.g.,
"CM TOFC 6" would cause the first page to be numbered "-vi-").
Any <n> specified remains in effect for the entire FRESS
session (unless the "CMS TOFC <n>" command is re-issued.
66 -- Section 4. Release 9.1 FRESS Resource Manual