> command separator ("greater than" sign)
DEFINITION: The character that separates multiple
commands on one line (see Section 5.4).
LITERAL: In Command Mode, use two symbols for
every symbol to be represented. [!110]
? defer character (question mark)
DEFINITION: Either <scope> or <lp> can be deferred
in a command specification. If either
is to be completely deferred, a "?"
should be specified; if one is to be
partially deferred (one end of <scope>),
the procedures described below under
"defer separator" should be followed.
LITERAL: For pattern parameters of command lines
only containing ____ "?"s, use one more
symbol than the number of symbols to be
represented. [!111]
= defer separator ("equals" sign)
DEFINITION: It is possible to defer the beginning
and/or the endpoints of <scope> by
replacing it with "?=" or "=?",
respectively. Once the deferred
location has been found, it can be
resolved to the system by specifying it
after a "?" and a delimiter.
LITERAL: In Command Mode, use two symbols for
every symbol to be represented. [!126]
... ellipsis (three periods)
DEFINITION: It is possible to identify a string by
specifying the beginning and end points
with ellipses ("...") in between. The
endpoints must be within the editing
buffer of 2100 characters. If they are
not, one end can be deferred (see "defer
Note separator" above). ____, if ellipses
are specified as one end of <scope>
(e.g., "c/start..."), FRESS will take a
single extra character from the end of
<scope> which the ellipses represent.
For example, given the string
"123xx456": if "c/...xx/*" is
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS ResoSection 3 -- 21
> command separator ("greater than" sign)
DEFINITION: The character that separates multiple
commands on one line (see Section 5.4).
LITERAL: In Command Mode, use two symbols for
every symbol to be represented. [!110]
? defer character (question mark)
DEFINITION: Either <scope> or <lp> can be deferred
in a command specification. If either
is to be completely deferred, a "?"
should be specified; if one is to be
partially deferred (one end of <scope>),
the procedures described below under
"defer separator" should be followed.
LITERAL: For pattern parameters of command lines
only containing ____ "?"s, use one more
symbol than the number of symbols to be
represented. [!111]
= defer separator ("equals" sign)
DEFINITION: It is possible to defer the beginning
and/or the endpoints of <scope> by
replacing it with "?=" or "=?",
respectively. Once the deferred
location has been found, it can be
resolved to the system by specifying it
after a "?" and a delimiter.
LITERAL: In Command Mode, use two symbols for
every symbol to be represented. [!126]
... ellipsis (three periods)
DEFINITION: It is possible to identify a string by
specifying the beginning and end points
with ellipses ("...") in between. The
endpoints must be within the editing
buffer of 2100 characters. If they are
not, one end can be deferred (see "defer
Note separator" above). ____, if ellipses
are specified as one end of <scope>
(e.g., "c/start..."), FRESS will take a
single extra character from the end of
<scope> which the ellipses represent.
For example, given the string
"123xx456": if "c/...xx/*" is
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS ResoSection 3 -- 21