!+JUST+ set justification mode _________________________________
This code sets the column and line justification modes.
C0 L0 __ __
C1 L1
C2 L2
C3 L3
<col> -- column justification:
C0 -- full widow elimination, padding and balancing
C1 -- no column padding
C2 -- no widow elimination (implies C1)
C3 -- no column balancing (implies C1 and C2)
<line> -- line justification
L0 -- fully justified lines
L1 -- bell justification (lines centered, no blanks added)
L2 -- text set flush left with ragged right margin
L3 -- text set flush right with ragged left margin
NOTES _____
• For a more complete discussion of the justification algorithms,
see Appendix A.
• When changing justification on the same physical page, skip
codes (or possibly other edit codes which start new lines) must
precede the text with the new justification. In other words,
the new justification [2] is not invoked until a new line is
started. The order of the required format codes must be:
(!+JUST+ code [2]) !-S<n>-(the lines to be justified under
!+JUST+ [2]
(!+JUST+ code [1]) !-S<n>-(the rest of the text)
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS ReSection 4.3 -- 51
!+JUST+ set justification mode _________________________________
This code sets the column and line justification modes.
C0 L0 __ __
C1 L1
C2 L2
C3 L3
<col> -- column justification:
C0 -- full widow elimination, padding and balancing
C1 -- no column padding
C2 -- no widow elimination (implies C1)
C3 -- no column balancing (implies C1 and C2)
<line> -- line justification
L0 -- fully justified lines
L1 -- bell justification (lines centered, no blanks added)
L2 -- text set flush left with ragged right margin
L3 -- text set flush right with ragged left margin
NOTES _____
• For a more complete discussion of the justification algorithms,
see Appendix A.
• When changing justification on the same physical page, skip
codes (or possibly other edit codes which start new lines) must
precede the text with the new justification. In other words,
the new justification [2] is not invoked until a new line is
started. The order of the required format codes must be:
(!+JUST+ code [2]) !-S<n>-(the lines to be justified under
!+JUST+ [2]
(!+JUST+ code [1]) !-S<n>-(the rest of the text)
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS ReSection 4.3 -- 51