At<n> The first page printed is numbered <n>
(overriding any format code specification in the
AT0 suppresses page numbering for the entire
If this option is not specified, the page
numbering will begin with "1" unless overridden
by the FROM option.
Declev<n> The lowest level Decimal Block to be printed
Example _______: If "D3" is included as an option, Block
not will ___ be printed; however, Blocks
2.2.3, 2.2, and 2 will be.
physical From<n> The first page printed is ________ page <n> (not
numbered ________ page <n>).
The portion of the file that would have appeared
before physical page <n> is still processed, but
printing is suppressed.
Hyper Format codes are printed inline with the text and
interpreted (although nested format macros are
not interpreted clearly).
This option is useful for identifying format
codes, although overlaying may occur with tab
Large The maximum physical page size is increased to a
width of 132 characters and a depth of 136 lines.
The page alter code defaults to !+page132,128+,
and the width alter code may be increased to
This option is useful when producing originals
for photo-reduction.
A user must have 576K of virtual storage to use
this option.
Macros The heading appearance and margins for each
decimal Block encountered are controlled by a
series of macro definition pairs, which must be
inserted into the file by the user.
headings The ________ of decimal level <n> are determined
by the macros: "!.h<n>.". For example, a
possible heading definition for level one is
margins The _______ for Blocks of decimal level <n> are
defined by the macros: ".dm<m>.", where
<m>=<n>-1. A common margin definition for level
one is "!.dm0=!+margin0,0+".
Heading appearances (whether a particular heading
level is capitalized, etc.) can be redefined
using the !+HEAD+ alter code.
Format macros are fully described in Section 4.5.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 149
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