G _
• G Get File ________________
GFILE makes current the specified file.
Gfile <file> <wind>° <pass>°
NOTES _____
• GFILE must be used to initially access (open) a file. The
display buffer is set to the "*START OF TEXT AREA*" line, but
it is not displayed.
• <pass> need not be specified if the file has the system default
password "DEFAULT."
• There is no limit, except the availability of computer memory,
to the number of files that can simultaneously be open.
• Once a file is open, it can be SCROLLed OR JUMPed into from
another file, if it has the password "DEFAULT."
• GFILE is useful when there are several open files, and the user
wants to change the "current" file; the <pass> option need not
be specified to make "current" an open file.
• Either GFILE or GDLABEL must be used to make "current" an open
file when there is not already a "current" file.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 153
G _
• G Get File ________________
GFILE makes current the specified file.
Gfile <file> <wind>° <pass>°
NOTES _____
• GFILE must be used to initially access (open) a file. The
display buffer is set to the "*START OF TEXT AREA*" line, but
it is not displayed.
• <pass> need not be specified if the file has the system default
password "DEFAULT."
• There is no limit, except the availability of computer memory,
to the number of files that can simultaneously be open.
• Once a file is open, it can be SCROLLed OR JUMPed into from
another file, if it has the password "DEFAULT."
• GFILE is useful when there are several open files, and the user
wants to change the "current" file; the <pass> option need not
be specified to make "current" an open file.
• Either GFILE or GDLABEL must be used to make "current" an open
file when there is not already a "current" file.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 5.8 -- 153