

BT Block Trail Continuous ______________________________
BTCONTINUOUS creates a logically continuous Trail of all Blocks
online whose Keywords satisfy the boolean request, for ______ perusal
not (FULLPRINT will ___ follow a Block Trail).

BTcontinuous <bool>° <wind>°

NOTES _____
<bool> defaults to the previous specification of <bool>.
Display is set at the top of the first Block.
All Blocks are displayed contiguously, one after the other.
Thus, SCROLLing over the end of a Block in a continuous Trail
will automatically cause the display to move to the top of the
next Block in the Trail. However, if Block boundaries are
crossed to find a pattern (e.g., to LOCATE through a Trail),
the Trail will be lost and must be explicitly reestablished.
This can be done by simply issuing the "Block Trail" command
without the <bool> parameter (it will default).
TRAIL may be used to travel forward or backward along the
Trail, as well as returning to the Trail if it is left.
The Block Trail environment may be left by any non-linear
travel function (e.g., DSPACE, GLABEL).
Nested Blocks will only be retrieved if each higher level Block
also satisfies the request.
If Weights are specified in the boolean request, the Blocks are
retrieved in order of Weight, from highest to lowest.
122 -- Section 5 Release 9.1 FRESS Resource Manual
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