NOTES _____
The seven title types ("D," "E," etc.) stand for "Date,"
"Evenfoot," "Foot," "Oddfoot," "Pagenumber," "Subtitle" and
"Title." They each default in a manner conventional for the
keyword (see the table below). However, each can be redefined
to appear on any line or page-type, using the parameters above.
Titles will continue to appear as specified, until canceled
with the appropriate null title code (e.g., !+titleD++). This
takes effect for the current page, and each subsequent page,
unless that particular title code is later redefined.
date The current ____ can appear in a title by including as part of
<string>, either "&1" (which yields the form "mm/dd/yy"), or
"&2" (which yields the form "Month dd, 19yy").
page number The current ___________ will replace a colon (":") included in
any <string>. If a colon is not included in ___ title string, the
page number will overlay the middle segment of !+titleP+,
enclosed by two dashes (e.g., "-1-").
If a line number is explicitly included in a title code (e.g.,
!+titleO=63+string+, as opposed to !+titleO+string+), the title
all appears on ___ pages without regard to the default. This can
be overridden by using the <page> modifier (e.g.,

Keyword Line Margin Alignment Page
Number Even page Odd page

D _ate 7 right left C
E _venfoot¹ 63 left - L
F _oot¹ 63 left right C
O _ddfoot¹ 63 - right R
P _ageno 63 center center C
S _ubtitle 7 left right C
T _itle 4 left right C

Figure 4.7 -- Title String Default Settings ___________________________________________

¹Defaults to 3 lines from the bottom of the page, which would only
be 63 if the current value of !+DEPTH+ is 66 (the default value).
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS ReSection 4.3 -- 63
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