11.2 CREATION _____________
11.2.1 INDIVIDUAL MACROS ________________________
Note ____: The "$"s in the titles for this section represent "&"s.
Format ______
A Command Macro is created as a CMS MEMO file with the same
name as that desired for the macro. These files are created and
changed using the CMS editor (see TM17 "CMS Editor Primer"). When
complete, the MEMO file form is merged into a <maclib> by using
either FMACADD or FMACREP (see Section 7.2.2).
Each line of the MEMO file is considered to be a FRESS command
line and may contain multiple commands separated by the FRESS
may not logical command separator ">" (see Section 5.4), but _______
contain nested macro calls __________________________.
Trailing blanks are removed from lines during processing unless
followed by the FRESS Command Separator.
Each command in the macro consists of literal character
strings, special functions (described below) and symbolic
parameter indicators which represent values to be filled in
when the user invokes the macro.
Literal ampersands ("&" -- those not used as special function
indicators, &C or &I, and those not used as symbolic parameters
&<n>, &R<n>) must be doubled.
Continuation Column ___________________
It is possible for a logical command line of the MEMO file to
up to 3 physical lines occupy ______________________ by placing a "*" in column 80.
The next line will then be concatenated to the 79th column of
the first line.
Although the macro definition may be 3 lines long (including
macro comments, prompts, etc.) the resulting expanded FRESS
must be less than 130 characters command line ________________________________ in length.
Symbolic parameters (&<n>, &R<n>), special function indicators
(&C, &I) and literal ampersands (&&) all consist of two or more
must not be split over card boundaries characters which ______________________________________.
FRESS Resource Manual Release 9.1 FRESS RSection 7.2 -- 249
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