When he was of the age to begin his studies, Joseph displayed a
general aptitude for the several branches of human knowledge, but he
chiefty in geometry and algebra; and this constant application
to the exact sciences in a youth naturally impetuous is a .co:c.trast worthy
of notice. But so soon as his studies were terminated, nature re-auerted
her riglata. A feverish activity tormented the lad, and he might be con­
stantly seen wandering along the beach, only stopping to gaze with
delight on the oolle.,ting stomn. which pr'*ently bumt with a crash. It
was an emblem of the future condition of his Italian fatherland.

When only thirteen years of age, Garibaldi furnished the first instance
of his intrepidity. Some of his companions, who were sailing in a
pleasuro-boat between Nice and Villafranca, were surprised by a squall,
and in danger of losing their lives, when Joseph, braving all dangers,
swam out to them, and saved them.

The following years were spent by Gwibaldi in mercantile voyages in
the Lennt and Blaok Sea. CoDlllll8rcial interests also caued him to


ItaliAn ports. On ooe while hia veaael waa lying
in balla-st at Oi.-ita Veccbia, the young sailor obtained leave to visit
Roll' e . From that ,moment his true vocation was decided. Still, up to
the age of twenty-six, Garibaldi's political stmtiments exercised no in­
imeoec over his Continuing JN'Aoefully the profession ae had
he enjoyed an es::celJBnt reputation both far :u.atioal skill &Dd
c:mu:neroial aoquiremente. During one of his voyages G.ribaldi fell
danl{el'<l'usly ill at where he was frater.D&lly received aud
attentively nursed in the family of an Itr.Jian exile. So BOOn aa
cov e r e d , not wishing to deprive his friend of his acanty reBGuroes, he
undertook to give lessODB in Freoch and Italian. Not only was he eubled
by then1 to pay the expenses of his long illness, but he -earaed e1110ngh
to keep him11elf until he returned to hia professional dutiu.

But the time had arrived wllen a great change took place in 0111' hero's
oareer. The accl'saion of Charlea Albert to the throae of Sardinia on i l27, 1831, gave the republican party hopes •f euccess, and a oon­
spiracy waa formed under the guidance of Maa&ini, in which Garibaldi
took a 11hare. But Charlos Albert, who had been a patriot u Prince of
Cari!fDan, underwent a decided change of sentiments on ucending the
throne, and threw himself into the arms of the .Teauitll. In 1832, when
the Sardinian government came on the trail of the patriotic conspiracy,

Garibaldi, thinking his personal liberty iuecnre, proceeded once again to
the east

. .

He .-aa &Imoat broken-hearted whenhe thought of the unhappy
fat.e of hia country. It is posaible that a feeling of doubt took





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