welcomed by sh_s>uta of joy and energetic fltruu. Garibaldi, whose gentle

face contluted with his martial garb, received their manifestations

aympatheiQc enthusium with admirable modesty.

Many ,m.tera have stated that Garibaldi, during hia stay in South
A.merioa, 1862 to 18M, commanded the Peruvian army, and gained
many Ticl;ories ; but facta are not so. He accepted the command of a
vessel bo1md for China, which wu offered him by his countryman, M.
Denegri, ,who wu established at .Lima. He completed hia crew, made
preparations for his departure, and finally set for China. In the
summer of 1864., Garibaldi returned to Genoa on board a small American
merchant vessel he commanded. The fearll'"with which he had formerly
inspired the Sardinian Government had now disappeared. Though
Mazzini had not abandoned his hostility, or hie eft'orta to excite the
pusions against the crown of Savoy, the new institutions had taken root,
and if the Constitution were not perfect, still many Italian patriots
accepted it provisionally, in hope of him bringing better days. To the
great satil1faction of the Constitutional party, and the despair of the
Radicals, after five years' absence, gave in hie adhesion to the
exiating forms of Government, exhorting the people to imitate him, and
consider :Piedmont the laope anll ezampla of Italy.

N othinf!r of a political nature marked the Guer!Jiero's life during the
two next years. Having accepted the command of a small steamer
plying between Nice and Marseilles, he passed them almost entirely at
sea. He performed the duties of his position with his acc11.1tomed
diligence 2md zeal, and strangers who did not know tho bronzed sailor
so busy on the quays among tho bales and merchandize, would have
found som.e difficulty in believing that it was the celebrated Garibaldi.
Thia toil procured the illustrious Nizzard some pecuniary solace, and he
employed the greater part of the money so laboriously earned in pur­
chasing a 11mall estate in the ialand of Capraja, near Sardinia. A modern
Cincinnatus, he cultivated it with his own hands, while still going to
Genoa or Nice. He took an active part in the labours of the National
Society, up to the moment when the hour of deliverance appeared to
him to have struck.

" <zedbyGooglc

LlFB 01' G.Llll:B.LLDl,


Causes of the Italian War-Popular Excitement-Austria and Piedmont-French
.Aasistance- Garibaldi to the Rescue -The Action at Varese-Retreat of the
Austrians·-Garibaldi at Como-Our own Correspondenta--The Attack on San

BnoBB we proceed to narrate the memorable achievements of our
hero dming the Italian war, we will venture to offer some explanation as
to the character of that war, and the motives which induced the rest of
Italy to call on Piedmont for help.

Since the 11bdication of Charles Albert, Piedmont had slowly advanced
in the path or constitutionalism, and the new king made a most resolute
stand the pretensions of the Pope. Toleration became the rule
in Piedmont, and all the Italian people, comparing it with the cruel per­
secutions COinmitted in the name of religion in Tuscany, formed vows
for the prosperity of the House of Savoy. All this while Victor Ema­
nuel and Count Cavour had not forgotten the humiliation their country
had snfl'ered at the hands of Radetzky, and the Crimean war enabled
them to sectlre a powerful ally in France. During the sitting of the
Congress of Paris, the affairs of Italy were brought forward, and Cavour
took occasion to make a very sml\rl attack on Austria. This was followed
by an active controversy in the papers, and the minds of the Sardinian
people were so excited thata contest appeared inevitable. On March 16,
1857, the Turin Chamber of Deputies, by a majority of 110 against

14. voted th·e fortification of Alexandria, and the Gaul'-lkl Popolo
immediately proposed a national subscription, whose proceeds should be
devoted to CILSting 100 guns for the new fortress. The object was under­
stood, and the whole of the Peninsula poured in contributions. From
Rome, Tuscany, Sicily, even from Naples, subscriptions were received,
all seeming to say to Piedmont, "We are with you against the Tedesco."
The relation11 between Piedmont and Austria grew daily more critical,
and when Francis Joseph remained several weeks at Milan during his
Italian no envoy was sent by Victor Emanuel to compli­
ment him, &Ill is usual under such circumstances, between the aovereign11
of adjacent countries. All these circumstances combined, broke off
u. 1zedbyGooglc
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