military 'oheat, which was the property of the soldiers, a sufficient sum tO
supply the immediate wants of his troops, at the aame time selling his
watch his own support. This fact, attested by an Engliahman present
at the th:J[le at Rome, is a new and fresh proof of the rare disinterested­
ness of our hero. The devoted Annita had joined her husband at the
beginning· of the winter, leaving her three young children in the care of
his mothl,r, at Nice. She persisted in accompanying him, though in an
advanced state of pregnancy, and no entreaty could turn her from her
determination. The numerous dangers to w.lllch she knew her hushand
would be exposed, far from terrifying her, were a further inducement for
her to follow him.

On July 2, 1849, at eight o'clock in the evening, at the moment when
the French were at the gates of Rome, and the flag of Italy was flying in
Venice alone, Garibaldi gave the signal for devarture on that memorable

, retreat, which will probably be his fairest title to military renown.
Guided by the daring Ciceroncchio,• and other Romans no less courage­
ous than him, and favoured by night, the Italian legion, with two
regimenllt of dragoons, incomplete and insufficient, and a great number
of flags belonging to the various corps d'armltJ, defiled in silence, pro­
ceeded through the San Giovanni gate, and following the outer wall of
the city, marched along the Tiburtine road. Numerous ammunition
and waggons followed the troops, who amounted to 4,000
infantry and about 800 horse. After marching all night, the soldiers
and bivonaced, at dawn of July 3, at Tivoli. Here Garibaldi
divided his forces into two legions, and incorporated fresh volunteers
with the second. On the afternoon of the 4th he ordered the camp to

e be struck, and the entire column set out. On the same el"ening they
were in the vicinity of Monticclli, where they passed the night. On the
9th July they eventually reached Terni, after croBBing the spurs of the
AppeninE!S, exhausted by fatigue and privations.
In order not to increase the embarrassment of the communes, '1'1 hich
were alrE!ady compelled to supply provisions and forage, Garibaldi had
arranged that the columns while on tho march should bivouac in tho
monastery gardens, if such were near the place of halt, and this was
nearly always the case, as those buildings are so numerous on the

This ·word aignifiea Ciuro tla1 Brav1. In applying thia to Angelo
Brunetti, t.he Roman people charnctcriaed both the natural eloquence and the raro
bravery of their tribune. The adjecl.ivc Vacchio (brave or valiant) is a word
belonging to the Roman dialect.





territ<()ry, When there were no gardens, they bivouaced on the
ground and il11. the open air, by Garibaldi's express orders. On these
occasions, as m all others where courage was required ro aupport phy­
aica.I suffering, the chief was always the first to give an example ro his
soldiers. A who refuses even the privilege of a tent, m order
not ro be better off' than the lowest of his followers, is a sufficient
rarity; but it is still rarer ro find a woman expose herself voluntarily
to privations and the enemy's attack, when her condition would have
claimed the most attentive care. A.nnita, whose devotion ro the Republic
and love of her husband are sufficiently known to us, was ever present,
addressing the aoldiers with martial ardour, encouraging those who
seemed to give way, heightening the enthusiasm of the strong, and
accepting no c•ther food than that shared by the privates ; and if m any
engagement was necessary ro offer an example of bravery, she was
seen like a modem .Amazon mounted on a noble steed, first m the first
ranks, her breast to the enemy's bullets.

Though thEI news of the fall of Rome had reached Terni some days
previously, files of republicans contmually reached the town, and trees
of liberty were being constantly planted m the public squares. Colonel
Foroes, who occupied Terni with more than 900 men, immediately
placed himself under Garibaldi's orders, and his little band was at once
incorporated with the rest. Garibaldi's two legions were at this moment
composed of three cohorts each, each again formed of five ro six cen­
turies. Lieutenant-Colonel Sacchi was in command of the first legion,
Colonel F orbl)S of the second, while the cavalry was placed under the
orders of the American Bueno.

General Ou,dinot, from false mformation he received, having supposed
that Garibaldi designed to throw himaelf into the mountains of Albano
and Frascati, with the intention of organising a guerilla warfare, sent off
on the evening of .July 3rd the first division of the expeditionary force m
pursuit of him. On the following day the French troops occupied those
two towns and their environs, but soon aft<er only one brigade was lefl;
there, the other returning to Rome. At the same time that the first
division receind orders to pursue Garibaldi, General Morris was sent
off with seveJ'Sl battalions and a large force of cavalry in the direction
of Civita with orders ro occupy that town and reduce it ro
obedience, as 'Well as Todi, Viterbo, and Orrieto. General Stat<ella was
concentrating a corps m the Abruzzi, ro disput<e with Garibaldi the banks
of the Tronto and the V elino, if he designed ro mvade the Neapolitan

"'· 1zedbyGooglc

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