30 LIFE 01r GlliBA.LDI.

ried too a length, Garibaldi appears rather the chief of an Indian
tribe tha:n a general; but, on the approach of danger, and at the head of
his combatants, his presence of mind and·courage are truly admirable ;
and then, by the astonishing rapidity of·;8is movements, he compensates
in great measure for tb.e lack of those·qualmes generally supposed to be
in a good general."

On thE' day after his cvictory, Garibaldi remained encamped on the
plains surrounding Pa.lesm.a. .:At length, seeing that the Neapolitans
made no .arrangementll'm the attack, he suspected that they and
the had arrurged to Dome.Juring hia absence. Hence
he determined to hurry liiMk ·at onee and .·mwr the city, and on the
night of May 10, his men .began their march. :eassing within two miles
of the Ellitemy, .d ad'1111ncing by the most impracticable roads, they
traversed a distance oftwenty-eight miles, without a moment's halt. They
had scame Rome-\'\f:hen, on the alarm being given, they were
sent advanced posts of Monte.:.Mario, where they remained
for fum-d1tys. I twas at this period that M. de'Le811eps arrived, andallfear

' of'GIJ" o:ffeui:re mov-.t on the part ef·GeJlleral Oudinot being dis­
pillifd, iJne Romans ttmled their exclusive attention to the Neapolitans

B:t-e b1-,igaiies of infanty, one of ca'\<alry, andtwelve. guns, were sent
'Neapolitans, who continued to occupy V elletri,. Albano, and
:Biiea:tria!;L. 'nis force, amounting to about 14,000 men, formed of

> lltllilile!!ed detachments recalled from the provinces, marched in the


of Monte Fortino, menacing a.ll the tlllemy's communications.
JAt first it was proposed to ·give the command•in-chief to Garibaldi, but
the Guerillero, with his usual modesty, declined. the honour, alleging his
slight-seielllti.fie acquaintance· with the art of war. Hence he preferred a
setlllllliiary poat. The little army was then wtder the command of Pietro
Reselli, though the influence of Garibaldi's name was so great that he
was as the chief of the army, just as he had ever
been comlidered the right a:rm of the defence of Rome. The advanced
guard, after . a .lmrried InftCh, -encamped, on May 16, upon the hills
defending the.lWeatrilla. llllii.Alemo roads. The enemy were acquainted
with Dl'()Vements, and •CJCIIIeentrated their fGrces at Velletri, where
the kiag ·was. 'The.:&omans resolved on occupying Monte Fortino at
once, but the want of·transport delayed the distribution of rations, and
consequeiJttly the advance movement of the troops. Still, on the evening
of the 19th, the vanguard occupied Monte Fortino; the centre, formed
ofthe'second and third brigades, encamped between Monte Fortino and

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