LIFE 01!' G4BlB4LDI,

having repulsed the enemy, he penetrated into Lombardy, and established
himself at V arese. Attacked there by Field-Marshal Urban, with 8,000
infantry, 200 horse, and four guns, he sustained, though himself without
guns, an obstinate contest, which resulted in his favour.

":By other secondary engagements, he laid open ihe road to Como; there
he again repulsed the Austrians, and seized the magazines and baggage.
Their brave deeds redound to the credit of the young Volunteers, who,
organised bytheir bravo chief at a moment when the enemy had already
c ollectod numerous battalions on our frontiers, yet fought like old soldiers.
They have deserved well of their country. His Majesty, desirous of con­
v eying to them his entire satisfaction, has ordered the names of the brave
Chasseurs who have most distinguished themselves to be made known to
the whole army, as well as the rewards he grants them by the present
order of the day.

"The medal of gold for military bravery to Guiseppe Garibaldi, General
of the Chasseurs of the Alps; the officers' cross of the military order of
Savoy to Medici, lieutenant-colonel ; cross of a chevalier of the same
order i;o Succhi, major ; t.he silver medal for military bravery to Cenni,
Pugg i , and Cristoforis, captains; Prebustini, lieutenant; Pedotti and
Guerzoni, sub-lieutenants ; Vegevano, Chasseur; honourable mention,
Cosem:, lieutenant-colonel of the Chasseurs of the Alps, and twenty-two
captains, lieutenants, sub-lieutenants, sergeants and privates.

" By Order of His Majesty.

"DE L LA RoccA, Lieutenant. General of tke Staff."

A fr·esh success of Garibaldi's was just announced when a proclamation

of the Emperor of the French raised the joy of the Italians to the highest

pitch, for they saw themselves on the point of being freed for ever from

tria, and the small princes and vassals. On the morning of June 8,

Garibnldi occupied Bergamo, which town the Austrians had quitted during

th e previous night. On the !lth h e arrived, incognito, at Milan, had a

sec ret interview with the king, and started again immediately for his

head quarters. No one knew the purport of his visit, and it still remains

a secret. llaving received information that a corps of 1,500 Austrians

was from Brescia, the general of the Volunteers sent a small

deta c hment to meet them, which, though greatly inferior in numbers, dis­

l o dged them, and compelled them to retreat.

On June 15, Garibalqi advanced on Lonato, and his officers organised

fi ve Cl)rps in the V altelline, to the great t error of the Austrians, who



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