mr.tP.lml VTIL

Oarillaldi: S.. 6ir Te.m-.T!Ia &aidli&-n. Capitulatioa lhliaa­
Dettl of hrit:t Ber Du.W.


all tJie eaemy now hurried up to 00011py f'niD
the· l.Uide territory of Sal! Mvino. More than 10,000 men. c:oHeeW ill
enclosed in a D&m>W circle tho&& who had been a..pM eiiOIIgh
to· believe in Awtriaa respect for neutrals. It was midnight ; wom alit
by long.wa.tehing. the majority of the legionariesw-ere sleeping, met.eW.
on oC the streets, already encumbered laoraes 8Dil
G..-.udi, lwwenr, w• awake. Seated on a stooe, he .,.._
examimug by ihe light of a J.mhom a topo@;aapJlical map o( the ea'ri­
rODB, 11Dd now and then interrogating three 'riDipn by his eid:lf.
He liatened with hia .habitual coolneaa to tile mOBi diaooaraging a.ce<nuda
about th• e-y's sbeagth and peeition. At &e raised his eyes,
and fi:ring them on oae of the villagera, tryiltg to discover the
truth or faleeaood iJl hia features. He only read aurpri• at the part
tb.y were playiug : the good faith of the simple people thea appeared
to him eTideat, &Dd he took them all thne u his guide!J.

The Glllrillero calculated on the success of a frontier movement, exe­

cu•.ed with rapidity by night. He would gain at full speed a port on

tJ.e Aclriatic, steer for Venice. In order for his plan to succeed, all

tW h.! needed waa to issue unnoticed from the in which the enemy

J.d enclOIIed him. This obstacle surmounted, Garibaldi trwted to hi6
own skill, by the aid of his guides, to deceive the vigilance of the troops
held in reMrTe at Rimini and Cesena. Suddenly the general rose, IUld
like a man who has formed a deciaive resolve, he aroused his adjutants,
and gue his orders for immediate departure.

"Let who will, follow me," he added ; " I offer once again fresh combats,

. privations, and exile, but never will I form a compact with the foreigner."
And without any further delay he mounted his horse, and set out, preceded
by his guides. Circumstances had not permitted all ofthe patriots to obtain
billets ; that is why we saw a great part of the soldiers sleeping on the

u, ;izedbyGooglc


pa•ement amidst the horeet1 and the baggage ; but some more fortunate
had obtained quarters in printe houses, without. the knowledge or their
respective chiefs. These could not hear or reeei•e the order for depat"
ture, while ·others, trusting to the proposed by the enemy, resoh•ed
to accept the general's dismissal. Owing· to· these t-wo causes Garibaldi
was followed by no more than 200 officers and soldien.

The little band had decamped two heurs before their departure was
known in the AU8trian camp. This surprising news was immediately
forwarded to Rimini. It would be difficult to C1Jrm an ideo. of the rage
Gorzgowski experienced at seeing the Guerillero escape him, were not a
proclamation addressed by him to the inhabitants still in CTidencc. As
innlting in his language as he was brutal in his actions, the Austrian
general threatend to shoot, on the spot, any one who gave '!Dater, bread, or
fire to Garjbaldi or his followers, whom he treated as bandits and ma:le­
factors who had cheated the gallows: and, as if the heroes could not be
recognised . by this. description, the unworthy general was careful to add
that Garibaldi was accompanied by a woman who was in the sixth month
of her pregnancy. On the rooming ofA:.ugnst 1st, the ferocious German ,
in the hope of again checking the mOYement o( the Guerillero, marched
on Cesenatico, and V erucchio with his troops ; but he found
himself a day's march behind, and was soon obliged to resign all hopes
of preventing the embarkation. Garibaldi, in fact1 on arriving 'at Cesena·
tico, had made some Aulltriaus, he foWld there, prisoners, and protecting
h.i.mllelf against any surprise by baiTicades, he had time to prepare the
Tet!llel and provisions, and put out to sea, before the troops in pursuit had
reached the place.

More than a thoMand ofticen or soltliers belonging to the disbanded
column remained at San Marino. The sudden departure of tho general
had caused consternation to those among them who had wished to· share
with him all the Ticissitutles of the retreat., Many lamenting their own
carelessness on that luckless night, wandered · about among the moun­
tains in search of Garibaldi, disdaining to submit to the good pleasure of
the enemy. Others trusting in the execution of the proposed agreement,
dared to hope safety in the Austrians' good faith, and decided to give up all
hostility ; they were waiting to learn to whom they should surrender their
arms, and proceed to their homes. As regards the last, it is evident
that the general's departure could change nothing in the conditions
offered by the enemy ; still, this is what happened:­

On the morning of August hi, an Austrian ofllcer made his appearance
at Marino, who, in the name of the Archduke Ernest, commanding



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