D'9''''edbyGoog V -J


eight l1oats which we saw dispersed in the gulf of Venice. Carried to
Pola, l;hese unhappy men were kept prisoners for more than a month,
with unheard of refinements of cruelty. Wb.ile receiving just enough
food to prevent them dying of starvation, they were inceuantly threatened
with dllath. . When the cruel sport began to weary their torturers, they
were conveyed under a strong escort to Lombardy, which country they
reache(l after a lengthened journey from prison to prison. On arriving
at the last station of calvary, many of the prisoners proved that they
were not Austrian subjects, but Swiss and Piedmontese; these were
then put over their respective frontiers towards the end of December.

Colonel Forbes, on the demand of England, who never leaves her
subjects, no matter their politica.l opinions, at the mercy of despots, Willi
free in October, or after two months' detention. Father Ugo Bllllsi, an
eloquent apostle of the Gospel, and zealous defender of liberty, had
escaped, with Garibaldi, from the pursuit of the Austrians' boats. When
they landed, he separated from his comrades, after an affecting farewell,
and pr<1ceeded to seek a refuge. Accompanied by Livraghi, Ugo Bassi went
in tho direction of Comacchio, where he hoped to find an asylum in the
house of a friend, llll well as assistance and advice for continuing his
journey. But misfortune willed it that the two fugitives entered a house
to change their garments and lay aside their arms ; they were surprised
by thE' police agents, bound hand and foot like assassins, and taken to
Bologna. Ht>re, after, the mockery of a trial, they were both shot on the
public their last words being "long live liberty! " The execution
of the I:Wo martyrs took place on August 8, 18·J.8. On the next morning
the fil'11t rays of the rising sun shone on a thousand immortelle crowns,
which 1llie piety of the people had laid upon tomb.

The Austrians did not dare to brave the popular fury by puhlicly
immolll>ting Garibaldi's faithful guide, CiccroTacchio, who, although
gagged and manacled, was still dangerous. As the personification of the
Roman people, Cicerovacchio had been, for a long period, the repretenta­
tive of liberal ideas ; and he Willi persona.lly well adapted to fill the part
of leader of the people. A profound mystery still broods over the
mourntul end of this extraordinary man, although one of Garibaldi's
officers, who succeeded in escaping from Ancona, declared that from his
dungeon he saw him shot. During the Italian war a rumour was rife
that Ciicerovacchio was still alive, and on October 5th, 1859, Garibaldi
wrote l%om Bologna to the Italian journals : " Some time back the Aus­
trian papers stated that Cicerovacchio and his two sons were in the
Crimea, selling stores to the troops; I should like much to lt>arn from

"'· 1zedbyGooglc

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