LlF:& 09 G.lBDALDL

territory. :r...tly, aeveral A1Ditrian earpa had shown t.bemaelTes iD
lleighb<nll'hood of Aquapendente, while others occtlpied Umbria and tlae
Marehe,s. All these muses of troops, however, remained quiet, await­
ing information &8 to the real intentions ofthe daring ea.ptain.

On the night of July 11, Garibaldi quitted Terni, and marched ia the
direetion of San-Germini. From this moment began the mournful
epittode!l which were to mark this unhappy retreat. ExhaUBted
by fatig;ue, 1meertain of their object, lmt very certain of suffering and
danger, a great mnnber of the troops who at Rome resolved to follow the
general, and many of the centuries 100. by Colonel Fnrbes, deserted their
ranks. The weakest, espeeially the natives, disappeared as they puaed
by then· home-villages.

Greedy dragoons, tempt.ed

by the Talue of the
lt.orset1 they l'Ode, disbanded, and thus gave the worst poBBible example to
their Thus wu sown the first seed of discouragement, fded
eventually to become almost universal. The injury done the corps by
their deserters, hencefort:h. unworthy the name of republicans, was not eon­
fined to the Joss of hones and arms, for fresh crimes an triffing to men
who han committed a first one. The soldiers of yesterday, the thieves
and robbers to day, in their disgraceful Hight, made illegal requisitions,
indulged in pillage, and committed crimes of every description. Hence,
through. a confusion, produced by the eaemies of the ea.nse, came tbe
odious brought against the columB, and only applicable to
those who had it. Let us speak out openly and boldly : the
6ag ever remained unstained, and the only guilty persons
were th011e over whom it no longer waved. And, yet, what opportunity
for reprisals, had not the thought that a noble cause rnu!t only be served
by noble means, elented the minds of the gallant defenders of Italy !
Take the following episode for instance, selected from a score of othen :

On the road leading to Orvieto, and which we shall presently follow
with thEI republican legions, there is a Calmeldolese Monastery, about
eight miles from Todi. vast and mundane edifice was only inha­
bited by fif'teen white brothers, who consumed its enormous reventtetl,
which would have been sufficient for ten times their number. This

'building seemed well adapted for a halting place, and the troops rested
in the spacious court yard. The IMUlctity of the spot, tbe presence of the
general, and the carefully discipline, all contributed to render
an hour's stay quite inoffensive to the brothers. Still, the colu'lllDI Bad to
11ndergo the bitterest reproachl'tl from them for the alleged violation of
their retirement. This was not all. A field-officer arrinng tll"o houre




later at the head of the laggards, occupied the same resting space. AI
hi11 men bad been forgotten when the rations were dinrilntted, he went
to the monul;ery and uked two of the to give him a little bread
for his 110ldieJ'8. The men of God replied sharply that they had baked
no bread that day, and were themselves ebort. The officer insisted with
all pOHi"ble politeness, for it seemed strange to him that monastery
should be entirely without bread. The brothera peraisted in their
declaration, aud e:r:preued their great regret, but the officer, still doubt­
ing so a fact, determined to speak to some other monk,
hoping that he might be more aucceuful. He wandered about, entered
the bake-howte, and rapped at the door of an adjoining room, when
IUd:lenly the door wu thrown open, and a brother appelll'8d with two
enormous dogs. .While holding one of them in a slip, the other was
hounded on tile officer, and so great wu the animal's fury, that it would
certainly killed him, had not a trooper, attn.eted by the noise, put a
bullet through the brute. This unexpected uaistaace at first discon­
certed the mo1mk ; but soon regaiaing hia presence of mind, he was about
to slip the other dog on the soldier, when, at the noise of the disturbance
and the shot, lll01lle of his comrades came up. The dog was cowed, and

the monk arre11ted to for his odious conduct. The room whence
the monk had emerged with the two dogs was then searched, and ano­
ther monk, e·vidently an accomplice of the first, was found concealed
behind the furniture, and also arrested. After this, so much bread wu
di1covered, that not only were abundant rations distributed to the
soldiers, but E'nough wu left for one hundred men the next day.

The two prisoners were led before the general at Orvieto. Garibaldi
was much irritated by their crime, and the BOldiers were urgent for
exemplary punishment. Still, the general interceded with the officer
attacked, obtained pardon for the insult, and generously restored the
monks their liberty. He contented himself with imposing on the
monastery, by virtue of the powers he held from the Roman government,
a fine of one hundred crowns. The return the monks made for this kind
treatment was characteristic ofthe followers of the Pope. A detachment
of cavalry, which had been sent to Foligno, on its return, passing near
another monastery in the neighbourhood of Todi, wu fired upon by the
brethren. The discharge killed the captain and da11gerously wounded
two troopers.

W c are bound to say that the officers had not yet shared in the
desertion, whic:h did not cease to render the column dispirited. It was

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