IPL 5. Any logical lines following the 1PL command are ignored since the execution of the IPL command transfers control from the CP environment to the virtual machine environment.
6.Some CMS routines and programs are stored on disks and loaded into storage as needed. Since this storage area is not contiguous with your virtual storage, the saved segments that are loaded in this area are called discontiguous segments (DCSS). However, the only saved segment a CMS user can replace is the CftSSE3 seqment. The user can indicate an alternate segment to be loaded bV issuinq an IPL command with this format: IPL {CUU .} PARM SEG=segmentname
indicates the name of the saved segment to be loaded whenever
theCMS Editor, EXEC processor, or as simulation routines are
needed. Eiqht characters must be entered for segmentname;
either assiqn an 8-character segment name when you code the macro for your installation, or be sure that the
operator enters trailing blanks if segment name is less thaneight characters long.
TheCMS batch facility loads whatever segment is specified
on the firstIPL command issued for the batch virtual machine. Thus, if the first 1PL command for a CKS batch facility machine is: 1Pt CMS PARM SEG=CMSSEG02 all subsequent IPL commands issuej by the CftS batch facility specify the same segment name (CMSSEG02). 7. The option in the PARM operand indicates that the :ftS initial proqram load is beinq performed in a batch instead of an int.eractive virtual machine. This option causes the :KS nucleus to issue the CMSBATCH command to load the batch processor. Specifying
the option eliminates the need for operator intervention
between jobs. ConsultVM/370 gng for
information on theCMSBATCH facility.
8.CMS users can use the PARM operand to pass the AUTO:R (automatic
carriage return) option to theCMS initialization routine. AUTOCR simulates the pressing of the ENTER key as input to the virtual
machine. This results in automatic execution of the user'sPROFILE EXEC, if it exists on virtual minidisk 191.
Note:For a disconnected CMS service virtual machine, this mechanism can prove to be very useful. The name of a :MS restart may be specified in the CMS nucleus. In the event of an
ABEND, thespecified restart routine receives control instead of
the service virtual machine entering a disabled wait state. If
this routine issues an1PL eMS PARM AUTOCR command, the PROFILE EXEC executes initial setup procedures that allow the service virtual machine to reestablish itself.
After asuccessful 1Pt, any responses you receive are those from the operating system that was loaded and initialized. 90 VM/370 CP Reference for General Users
indicates the name of the saved segment to be loaded whenever
needed. Eiqht characters must be entered for segmentname;
either assiqn an 8-character segment name when you code the
operator enters trailing blanks if segment name is less than
on the first
between jobs. Consult
information on the
carriage return) option to the
machine. This results in automatic execution of the user's
ABEND, the
the service virtual machine entering a disabled wait state. If
this routine issues an
After a